★Event★I thought it was just me★Talk about those articles in the bookstore

378Clicks 2019-04-15

In addition, turn to the recommendation article written by enthusiastic netizens a few years ago, there are many replies, and the link is put here.

Spring is here. All major sections are holding activities for the budding spring heart, and the bookstore is no exception. This event was inspired by this post -

In Lingering Garden, the bookstore has the largest amount of data, and many people read it. With everyone gathered in such a good forum, there is no reason to be alone. I found out very early on that readers' complaints in a few words have a great influence on the click of the article. This time, I wanted to bring these three words and two words together through the activity. On the one hand, it is convenient for bookstore netizens to scan the articles. On the other hand, it is also the most important thing to encourage readers to surface and connect bookstore netizens. Everyone looked at each other's complaints, smiled knowingly, and said another sentence - I thought it was only me!


Thread title: There must be the title of the book and the name of the author, it doesn't matter if there is no author, just provide a link to the bookstore in the content. This is easy for everyone to find.

The content of the thread: use one or two hundred words to talk about the reason why you listed this article, it can be like (recommended to everyone) or dislike (to avoid everyone stepping on thunder), writing, story , characters, plot, any content related to the text can be extracted and written. Many people have seen at the beginning of the year, which is somewhat similar.

1. There is something to be said, and I hope other readers can achieve the effect of "I thought it was only me" after reading it. It's not very useful for tweets to write very good, vivid plots, so it's best to have some details.

2. In order to facilitate the link, it must be the text of the bookstore. "A Dream of Red Mansions" is great, but the bookstore is not for nothing. Of course, in case it is a color text that the bookstore does not have, you can post it first and then push it. No problem with this!

Here are a few examples-

Rewards: From 100 Silver Dollars

When the Flower of Friendship blooms—"Ah? You too? I thought only Me!" C.S. Lewis' "Four Loves"

It's too bad, so let's use the original text!

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