My Promiscuous Wife Complex, A Husband's Confessions (附妻美照)

1067Clicks 2019-06-28 Author: seabirdsheshe
[My lewd wife complex, a husband's true self-report]
Author: seabirdsheshe
June 28, 2019 The first taboo bookstore

emphasis Now, if you want to communicate with seabirdsheshe, please find me directly , no need to send me a letter.

Although the classification of [Book House] is still under construction, But I believe many readers know that there is a big category: partners. To put it more simply, it is the kind of 'prostitution wife' that is often brought up and talked about. Today, I am very fortunate to invite the enthusiastic netizen seabirdsheshe. He not only has many original works in the [Private House] section, but also shared his experience and thoughts in the [Book House]. This time, I will talk to you about the topic of "promiscuous wife".

Thank you Qingban, the circle of 'prostitution wife' is very small. I have been in this circle for many years, so I know more than ordinary people. I also hope that I can take this opportunity to clear up many misunderstandings about this circle.

Let me introduce myself first! How did you know about Lingering Garden?

I have been on the Lingering Garden website for more than ten years, and it was because of [Bookstore] that I first became connected. I like erotic texts very much, and have always had a hobby of chasing texts, such as "The Story of the Demon Sword" and "The Story of the Qing Yu in the Six Dynasties". At that time, many Chinese websites such as Cuiweiju and Wenxinge were blocked. By chance, I discovered the pure land of [Bookstore], and I saw my favorite prostitute wife article "The Sea of ​​Love".

For a long time, I just dived silently in the bookstore to follow the text, and also paid attention to the [selfie] version during the period. At that time, my wife knew that I would read erotica, but she didn't bother to ask. We watched AV together, the wife is a good wife and a good mother outside, but she is relatively open in the boudoir. My husband and wife often open the room to take selfies, and we have had several experiences of outdoor exposure and car shocks. At that time, we wanted to show off a little and wanted to post the beautiful photos of our wife to share with netizens. Of course, the real post is already after the wife has officially agreed to try to date a single man.

The ID 'seabirdsheshe' I use in Lingering Garden is just a habit of registering on the forum, and it has no special meaning.

What is your life like?

I am actually quite ordinary myself. After graduating from college, I went back to my hometown to work, and soon I started a family. The job is stable, easy, and not too stressful. The character is more rational and restrained, belonging to the so-called boring type! However, it is still relatively feminine. There are girls in high school and college who have secret crushes on me (all of which were later found out), and I have been in love twice with girls taking the initiative to show my love... Will I look badass?

What about the daughter-in-law?

My wife and I met in college, not in the same class but in the same lab with the same instructor. Like most campus love stories, they went to the study room together, went shopping together, watched the stars on the campus lawn together, and secretly tasted the forbidden fruit together, giving each other their first time together.

Unlike most campus romances, we finally achieved positive results. After graduation, the two chose to work in the same place, and brought each other to meet their parents. They got married the second year after working. Usually, my wife likes to travel and plant flowers, and I like to surf the Internet and chat. The days were very dull, and there were quarrels over trivial matters. At this stage, the most contentious issue is children's education. My wife wants the children to attend more training classes, and I think that the children should be given more time for themselves.

Noticed that you said it was the first time for both of you, could this be part of the 'prostitute wife' complex, good youth, once in your life, it's time to try other people's tastes too ?

This has happened, and I told my wife that, there may be a little bit of this factor!

My understanding is that your wife didn't know you had a 'prostitute wife' complex before marriage, but accepted and adapted to it after marriage. It sounds like she is a little passive.

This is your first misconception that 'prostitute' is an innate attribute. In fact, this is a very long development process, and it is the result of the mutual choice of both parties to reach the stage of the actual 'prostitution wife'.

I don't deny the reality that there must be men who hide important parts of themselves from each other when they get married, reveal their true colors after marriage, and even have the taste of being a prostitute, but this is not the scope of my discussion today.

Well, let's hear about this long development.

Um...I might be verbose?

Absolutely nothing, the bookstore is not too original. please continue!

As mentioned earlier, I first started contacting prostitutes from erotica, and when I first went to college, I was catching up with online erotica WenxinXingrong is very impressed with many wives and wives, and feels particularly exciting, such as "Help Wife Have Affair", "Young Abin", and "Young Woman Bai Jie". Gradually, there is a preference for prostitution wife-type web articles, and this situation continued until after marriage. However, at that time, there was no idea of ​​lusting after his wife, and he just liked the plot of lustful wife in the text.

This should have planted the seeds of a prostitute in my subconscious, the first stage of my prostitute complex.

These articles are familiar to readers, and most readers' starting point should be that other people's daughters-in-law are sweet and delicious like ripe fruit. When you were watching, which side did you put in? husband? Or a third party?

I can, in fact, I would also molest other people's wives, and when I communicate with other couples, I will also molest the little daughters-in-law of other families. (laughs)

Look, you also have the desire to possess other people's wives!

Most people will have desire. I don't deny that I have a good impression of other beautiful women, especially wives, but I still have at least some self-control.

So, at this stage, you are still a normal couple, and your reaction is nothing special. and then?

My wife and I have always had a very good relationship, and the two rarely separated. However, like most couples, after experiencing the surging passion of the love period, it gradually became dull. We have the habit of going out for a walk together after dinner. The two always hold hands. Holding hands is like holding the left hand and the right hand, and there is no feeling of throbbing. In terms of sexual life, there is no passion, and the frequency is not too high. Most of the time, it is like fulfilling the obligations of husband and wife.

In other words, your relationship gradually changes from love to family. I was waiting 'until one day...'

(laughs) Until one day, I occasionally found that if two people were playing some role-playing games during sex, like I imagined her as another A woman, or fantasizing about another man having sex with his wife, immediately creates a different kind of stimulation. At the same time, I also found that if I pretended to be another man and had sex with my wife, she would also be particularly excited.

I never knew that there were signs in my consciousness. This should be the second stage of the development of my promiscuous wife complex. At that time, my wife and I had been married for 10 years, and we also had precious children.

10 years? Development is fast or slow?

In our circle, our age group is the majority. As for whether it is fast or slow, we have never thought about it. For us, we will not say what purpose we urgently want to achieve. Every step is a landscape.

Wow, they're all MILFs! This circle is really tempting. Is this an affair or an extramarital affair?

Speaking of extramarital affairs, we also have a certain social experience at this time. We have seen a lot of extramarital affairs around us and even divorced because of this. At first I heard that 'extramarital affairs' was particularly repelling, and gradually I would also have some reflections: Why are there so many extramarital affairs?

I have seen reports that the probability of having an extramarital affair exceeds 50%, which means that more than half of couples have an affair during their marriage, but most of them are not discovered by the other half. In fact, there were female colleagues who flirted with me at that time, and I was very moved. Can't help but wonder what if I or my wife cheated?

What started as small talk gradually became serious discussion. In the end, I came to the conclusion that I don't want to divorce my wife no matter what, even if my wife cheats (a high probability event, which is equivalent to a certain event for a rational thinker like me), it is only an occasional impulsive event, if I don't It won't affect our feelings if we pursue it.

I am still very confident in my relationship with my wife for so many years. If my wife wants to cheat, she must tell me first, I will not object, and I can even protect her so that she will not be hurt. (I have read a lot of novels, and I always feel that if my wife conceals her infidelity, she will likely be used and coerced by people with ulterior motives.)

At that time, my wife was a little moved when she heard my nonsense. Now that I think about myself at that time, it's really enough, just like my wife has cheated.

However, this conversation has opened up a whole different wonderful world for us.

The tone of the conversation at that time was particularly sincere, and there was a little devil hidden deep in the wife's heart. From then on, when I had sex with my wife, my wife would take the initiative to express some of her sexual fantasies, such as imagining me as another man. I would also find it particularly exciting to imagine with her about loving her with other men, in short our sex life is a little more passionate than before.

Since I discovered these hobbies of my wife, I will recommend some pornographic articles about prostitutes or human wives to my wife, such as "The Sea of ​​Love". We would discuss the characters and plots of the novel together, and my wife would tell me her preferences, which chapters excite her and which she repelled, and we added an intimacy to each other.

Simulation can be said to be the third stage of my prostitute wife complex!

Immediately present your favorite to your wife, good husband!

Because the openIn the deepest part of each other's hearts, there are some taboo topics between husband and wife that can be discussed between my wife and me. After reading the prostitution wife article I recommended, my wife would ask me: Do you have a prostitution wife complex? I said: Yes, do you want to try to be like the heroine in the novel? At this time, my wife will be a little shy and call me a bad person.

I would also ask my wife: Have any other men shown interest in you? The wife is very beautiful, petite and cute. Although she usually cares about the family and doesn't like to go out to play, I know that she is very attractive to men, and it is normal to have one or two admirers. My wife would seriously but a little shyly tell me who was flirting with her, etc.

At that time, I would get to the bottom of some details, and I would feel inexplicably excited when she said it, and asked her if she had any ideas to try to date. For a moment, she shook her head quickly, but the reason was that she didn't want to be ambiguous with colleagues or acquaintances. As soon as I heard it, I felt that there was a drama, and then I encouraged my wife to find netizens. My wife did not object to it but she was not motivated, so I took the initiative to help her find it. I added a few chat groups with the theme of prostitutes, and communicated with some couples and single men, There are also a few good chats.

At this time, we will play some more open games when we have sex. For example, I will send some sexy photos of my wife in the chat group. The group friends are very welcome. Seeing the group friends lusting after their wives, my wife and I will be very excited. We will also send voice messages in the group during sex to let the group friends listen to the wife's bed call, and even chat with netizens during sex. Interact and send some slang words.

In short, at this stage, our frequency of having sex has increased significantly, sexual interest has increased, and the quality of sexual life has improved significantly. Our lovemaking has since then had a real third-party figure. This should be the fourth stage of the lascivious wife complex!

It's your luck for both of you to do this. Otherwise, nine out of ten will be finished by this stage!

If the wife can't accept us, this is the end. Many husbands will also ask me how to train my wife to accept a threesome. , but some wives just can't accept this kind of behavior, don't force it, let's stop there! After all, this is not a necessities of life, just condiments. Respecting the wife and always putting the wife's feelings first, this is our principle.

Big thumbs up for this paragraph!

During that time, a single man came into our sight. He is in the city next door to us, married and a little younger than us. I chatted for a while and felt pretty good. After seeing his photo, I recommended it to my wife for them to chat. I looked at the chat records, and the single guy was sweet, polite, and a sister. He also said that he knew Spa and had a good mouth. They had a good chat, and his wife had a good impression of him and would send him some selfies.

Did he give you information about his wife? Should this be exchanged?

Yes, I just showed me pictures of his wife and some of their videos. I have dated many wives, went shopping and watched movies, and had a good impression of each other, but nothing further developed.

Oh, then get on with your wife's date!

One day, a single man and I proposed to meet. I asked my wife for advice. When it came time to meet, my wife was obviously hesitant. I encouraged her and told her to make an appointment for dinner and see how she felt. Go further if it feels good, and be a friend if it's normal.

The single man and I also agreed on this situation, and the single man agreed without hesitation. Everyone agreed on the place and time. When the single man met, he prepared a small gift for his wife. It could be seen that he was very attentive. It was a little embarrassing at the beginning, and it was the first time for a single man, so I tried my best to calm down the atmosphere. Later, I got to know each other gradually, and the single man kept praising his wife for being beautiful.

Why are you so cooperative? Marrying a beautiful wife and showing off my pride, I can understand, but when it comes out, is there no hesitation or reluctance? I know that you have gone through a long period of one, two and three stages, but those are the category of sexual lust after all.

This is another misunderstanding of yours. The word 'wife' is the center, and her feelings always come first. If my wife feels uncomfortable, I will never force it. My excitement in the process all comes from my wife. Watching her affectionate interactions with other men can sometimes be a little sour, but it is far less than seeing her shyness and coquettishness, seeing her taste the joy of taboos, and seeing her enjoyment and satisfaction. Stimulate feelings.

Sure enough, the highest state of loving someone is 'you are happy, so I am happy. '

During the period, I quietly asked my wife how she was feeling, and she shyly said it was okay. I suggested to take a single man for a stroll after dinner. It was also the first time that a single man came to our city. Originally, the single man was a guest from far away, so I treated dinner, but I didn't expect the single man to settle the account halfway, and the wife liked it very much. After all, generous men are more attractive.

It snowed after dinner, and the single man came by car. There was a road from the hotel to the parking lot. The three of us only had one umbrella, so I asked the single man to open the umbrella, and quietly pulled the single man's hand on his wife's shoulder, and he took advantage of the situation and gently hugged his wife. When I got to the parking lot, I asked to drive and let them both sit in the back. After walking around, my wife told me that the single guy held her hand and kissed her secretly. I feel the atmosphereWell, it is recommended to open a room. The details of the first time are not detailed here. In short, we have completed our first 3P.

Since then, I have truly embarked on the road of prostitution.

Well, for real! You are very happy, no doubt about it. But what about your daughter-in-law, you don't have to worry about her and she's happy, and then she ran away with her lust?

Unlike many couples in the circle who play 3P or wife-swapping games, I don't object to my wife's passion for a single man. Maybe it's the confidence in our relationship as husband and wife, I don't have the slightest idea that my wife will leave me one day. The wife is not very interested in pure physical relationships. We have a single man who chatted with his wife for a period of time, and only after having a good impression of each other will we consider the next development, and it may not necessarily break the contact afterward. One of the wives especially liked it. A single man who currently maintains a lover-like relationship.

This is great, your daughter-in-law is happy!

Achieving this level is inseparable from our deep marital relationship and mutual trust.

For example, on the first date with a single man, at that time, the wife was still unable to let go, had concerns, and was very worried afterwards. I will communicate with her, being more considerate and gentle than usual. With my help, my wife became more and more open in this world. Of course, I am also enjoying it myself. First, it is to satisfy my lustful wife's heart and bring unusual stimulation.

Second, it greatly increases the interest between husband and wife. In my daily life, I sometimes make fun of my wife's affair with a single man. There was one time when she had a great time with a single guy. I would joke that you were too showy that time, and make fun of her. His wife is far from being bold under the bed in her daily life. At that time, she was often shy, but there were exceptions. . Sometimes when I make fun of her, she will fight back and say that she wants to be so flirtatious and wants to be more flirtatious. This kind of teasing often makes us uncontrollably start having sex, which is completely different from the routine of the two people before, and it feels very good.

The third is that I feel more intimate with my wife. During the process, we will often communicate in depth, and we will share our innermost thoughts without any taboos, just like two people who share their own secrets, trust feel better.

She was never angry? Are you hurt?

I have never been angry or sad about this, because I never force her. Some people may think that letting their wife do intimate things with other men is a sign of not loving her. I think different people have different ways of loving things they love. Some people will hide their favorite things and appreciate them alone; some people will show their favorite things to show off and share with others. This analogy may not be appropriate, but it can illustrate some problems!

The wife seems to be a very traditional woman in her life. She is serious and responsible for her work, very caring for her family, and very simple in interpersonal communication. My wife said that after she found out that I had a lewd wife complex, she first cooperated with me and met my needs. On the one hand, she thinks that this will increase my sexual interest. On the other hand, she also finds a different kind of stimulation. Thinking of doing shy things with other men she likes, or even shy with other men in front of her husband, will make her feel shy. Feel extremely exciting. Of course, these thoughts are buried deep inside and only occasionally exposed during sex with me.

You use the words 'communication', 'communication', and 'fueling the flames'. Can you say that you are in the leading position in the whole process and she is completely influenced by you?

You're right, my guidance is critical. However, the most important thing is the premise: respect her and love her. Only under this premise, she walked in step by step. After the experience, she found that the effect was very good. Not only could she get more love from men, but her husband not only did not dislike her, but also loved her more, and added a lot of fun to her life. In fact, from my previous description, we can already see the state of mind of my wife and I during this process. Our relationship as husband and wife is very good, and it has never wavered in the slightest.

Is this circle all happy?

Of course not, so there must be a bottom line.

For us, the bottom line is that we can't affect our normal life. We have stable family relationships, elderly people who love us, and smart and lovely children. We understand what is a staple food and what is a dessert. Also, protect yourself from being hurt, and at the same time not hurt others. After all, this is a concept of marriage that is not accepted by the mainstream social values, and we do not have the courage to face the attack of public opinion, so it is very important to protect ourselves. We don't bring single men into the family, we open rooms outside for dates, and we don't find acquaintances, not even in the same city.

Having said a lot about the two of you, let’s talk about the third party, what kind of person can get into your eyes?

It's true that we met a lot of single guys that made people laugh and laugh. They showed how fierce they were when they came up, how strong they were in that area, and swearing, like how horny my wife was, We all laughed at this. We hope that we can meet interesting souls in this process. Appearance is not unimportant but not everything. We hope that single men and us respect each other, have good feelings with their wives, and can get along as friends. There is one detail. The photos we send are all real, and we don’t need to be beautiful. All netizens who have met will praise his wife for being beautiful.

Moreover, it is also very important that we will not have financial ties with single men. Sometimes single men give their wives some small gifts and we also accept them, but if they come to our city, I usually treat them as guests. Just like friends, I am the host of my site. Our attitude towards single men is that we would rather be short than excessive, depending on fate, and resolutely reject a face that just shoots at him. You can start with friends, recognize each other, and then play with ambiguity, and then it will come naturally. We like this feeling.

As the interview is coming to an end, I have to ask a vulgar question that is very resentful of women and husbands. From the time the prostitute surfaced to the scene, did any of you ask each other? :do you love me? have you ever loved me? Will you still love me? such a problem.

This is my first date with a single man. After the end, my wife has asked, and she will also ask when bickering. I never ask.

Thank you seabirdsheshe for chatting with us about kinky wives. I wish you and your husband and wife a beautiful, healthy growth of children.

I also wish the Green Edition a success, and I wish the bookstore more and more popular and more prosperous.

Finally, seabirdsheshe shared a few photos of his beautiful wife to bring the interview to a perfect end.

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We welcome everyone to discuss, inquire, and complain, but if If there is any malicious provocation, abuse, insult, I will not be polite to your post. Please respect each other!
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