"The Legend of Condor Heroes" (全本)

304Clicks 2013-11-12 Author: adams0740
The world of the Condor Heroes

Author: adams07402010/10/01 Posted in: SexInSex

***************************************************************************************************************Words written in front of the story: This article is adapted from... nonsense, of course, "The Return of the Condor Heroes" by Mr. Jin Yong. ^_^, the originality comes from "Sacred Carvings: The Beauty of Rivers and Mountains" by Brother Toad with a Pipe. at first just becauseThere are too many "*" in the downloaded version. I want to make up for the shortcomings of the article without ending. I continued to write it without thinking about it.Nearly 100W words, I would like to thank the toad man for giving me such a good idea. Many thanks. Quote the original plotAbout 20%, other parts are original.

The story ended in July 2010, but the story is connected back and forth, causing many logical flaws, and many friends pointed out to me that many personal pronouns refer to unknown, and the "I" and "he" in the text oftenconfused. I have come to a painful conclusion, and while writing the flower and fall, after a long period of scrutiny, I think that the present article"The Legend of Condor Heroes" can finally give a complete account to friends who love Jin Yong's works.Hope you like it, thank you!***************************************************************************************************************

Other chapters
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"The Condor and Heroes of the World"(01-05) adams0740
"The Legend of Condor Heroes"(全本) adams0740
"The Condor and Heroes of the World"(06-10) adams0740
"The Condor and Heroes of the World"(11-15) adams0740
"The Condor and Heroes of the World"(16-20) adams0740
"The Condor and Heroes of the World"(21-25) adams0740
"The Condor and Heroes of the World"(26-30) adams0740
"The Condor and Heroes of the World"(31-35) adams0740
"The Condor and Heroes of the World"(36-40) adams0740
"The Condor and Heroes of the World"(41-44) adams0740
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