Small Village Spring (第一集)

514Clicks 2022-08-30

Author: Shotgun
Book Series: Crimson
Publisher: Hetu Culture


A man A series of stories that happened when he and his wife returned to the countryside. With his new wife, he returned to the rural village where his wife grew up. He had never been to the country before, he wanted to take this to relax and forget about the thing in his heart, but he didn't expect to meet his brother-in-law and get into trouble as soon as he went. The charming mother-in-law, the elegant and beautiful eldest sister, the youthful and lovely little sister, and the gentle and considerate wife, the four women made his heart rippling, and he secretly swore that if he had the chance, he would have a kiss!

Komura·Spring 1
Author: Shotgun
Publishing Date:2008-05-16

[Volume 1]Introduction:

Cheng Gang With his new wife Orchid, he returned to the rural village where Orchid grew up. Cheng Gang, who has never been to the countryside, wanted to take this to relax and forget about the incident in his heart, but he didn't expect to encounter Orchid's younger brother and get into trouble...

The charming mother-in-law, the elegant and beautiful eldest sister , a young and lovely little girl, and a gentle and considerate wife, the four women make Cheng Gang's heart rippling, secretly swearing that if there is a chance, he must kiss Fang Ze!

[Episode 1] Chapter 1: Beautiful Night

Cheng Gang got off the train with "wife" Lan Hua and set foot on the land of the county town. After walking another eight miles, I will be home, and I will be able to see my long-lost family. Thinking of this, Orchid smiled and imagined the joyful scene of family reunion. If they knew that I had found a very ideal "husband", how happy and envious they would be!

"Brother Gang, you know, I went to middle school in this county, and now my sister is also studying here. She is much better than me, and she won the first place in the exam." On the chair, Orchid said with a smile.

Cheng Gang looked from left to right, feeling very unfamiliar with this place. Although it is only a few hundred miles away from the city, the appearance of the city is too different. His eyes slowly retracted and fell on Orchid's face, still feeling that Orchid was prettier than anything else.

Cheng Gang had a question about Orchid's words: "How old is your sister? Who is the most beautiful among the three of you?" Heart is very interested in her sister. I thought to myself: Even if I can’t go up, it’s good to take a few glances.

Orchid held the man's arm and said softly, "My sister is sixteen this year and is in the first year of high school. You ask who is the most beautiful, I think they are both pretty, and I am the ugliest."

Cheng Gang shook his head, a pair of handsome eyes aimed at Orchid, and said sincerely: "In my heart, you are always the most beautiful." "When you see my elder sister and younger sister, you won't say that." Saying that, Lan Hua leaned on Cheng Gang's body with a tender expression on her face.

Later, Lan Hua said, "I will definitely help you have a child." Cheng Gang hugged her tightly, full of happiness. Yes, I really need a child now, but I have never been pregnant, and I have worked very hard.

After resting for a while, the two walked eastward with their things. Cheng Gang was carrying two suitcases, which were full of gifts that Orchid bought for his family. And Lanhua was carrying Cheng Gang's love object - a laptop, and she carefully got on and off the car along the way, lest people bump into it.

The two walked to the edge of the city, hired a tricycle, and went to the small village. Along the way, Orchid smiled and was in a good mood. The closer she got to her hometown, the higher her mood became, and the blood in her whole body seemed to boil.

When the car came to the entrance of the village, Orchid pointed to an old locust tree by the roadside and said, "Brother Gang, I used to play under this tree when I was a child. Once I climbed up to dig out the bird's nest, and the bird pecked my hand. I fell from the tree, and I was beaten by my mother when I got home." He frowned.

Cheng Gang took her hand and sighed, "You're lucky too. I want to be beaten by my mother, but I'm not that lucky yet." He sighed. Orchid knew that his mother died early and lacked maternal love, so he smiled at him and thought: I will take care of you more carefully in the future and make you happy every day.

Not far from the entrance of the village, I saw a motorcycle in front of me running like a gust of wind, as if trying to escape. As soon as Lanhua saw it, she immediately called, "Stop, stop."

Cheng Gang asked in confusion, "Orchid, what's the matter with you?"

Lanhua explained, "That's my brother." After speaking, the car stopped, Lanhua opened the door and got out of the car, beckoned to the approaching motorcycle, and shouted, "Qiangqiang, I'm my sister. Hey, where did your motorcycle come from?"

Motorcycle The car braked suddenly and stopped three meters in front of Orchid. Cheng Gang also got out of the car, and when he saw the man, it was a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old, with a tall nose and big eyes, and he was very energetic, but at this moment he looked flustered and looked back from time to time.

Lan Hua stepped forward and asked, "Brother, what's wrong with you? You look like a fugitive."

She glanced at Lan Hua and said, "Sister, I won't tell you any more, I am a fugitive now. I have to go, help me settle things at home." Chong Lanhua and Cheng Gang forced a smile, and ran off as soon as they gasped.

Lan Hua was puzzled, looked at her brother who was far away, and walked back to Cheng Gang. Cheng Gang asked, "What's wrong with him? It's a little abnormal."

Lan Hua shook her head and said worriedly, "My brother, I don't know what happened again."

Cheng Gang asked Said: "Does he like to get into trouble?"

Lanhua sighed and said, "He, I don't even know what to say about him." He opened the car door and got into the car, Cheng Gang followed.With a sigh, he said, "Let's all go into the house, don't stick around here."

Lan Hua frowned, "Wait a little longer, I'd like to see if there is anyone else to collect the debt."

Feng Shuping explained: "Just these two strokes, the Ma Wujia people probably won't come."

Lanhua said bitterly: "If they dare to come, I will scold them out."

Cheng Gang stepped forward at this time and said, "Okay, auntie, Lanhua, let's all go into the house. If anyone else comes, it's not too late for us to come out again." Then Lanhua took the lead and walked into the house.

The three of them returned to the house, but did not speak for a while. These two events seriously affected everyone's mood, and no one was interested in chatting. After a while, Lan Hua repaid the debt and said angrily, "Why do I have such a poor brother? I really doubt whether he was born to you." He looked at Feng Shuping.

Feng Shuping paused and said, "It's all my mother's fault, she spoiled him since he was a child."

Lan Hua's tone softened a little, and said, "Mom, when he comes back, you can I can't tolerate him like this anymore. If it goes on like this, he will kill our whole family."

After saying a few more words, Feng Shuping said, "You guys stay at home, I'll go to the fields to see. The rice is all piled up in the field, I'm a little worried."

Lanhua stood up and said, "Mom, I'll go with you." People will do."

Lan Hua insisted: "Mom, I haven't been to the fields for a long time, I just went to see, let Cheng Gang watch the house." Then she followed Feng Shuping to change into old clothes suitable for labor.

Cheng Gang stepped forward and said, "Should I go with you too?"

Lan Hua smiled at him and said, "Brother Gang, just listen to me. There is no work in the fields, so I don't need that much. Human."

Cheng Gang nodded and said nothing else. He watched the mother and daughter walk out of the yard and disappeared. This time it was quiet inside and outside the house, as if falling asleep.

He really had nothing to do, so he went back to the house and turned on the computer to calm down and write. No one was around to disturb him, and his thoughts were indeed much smoother. He wrote a paragraph, read it again, and felt very satisfied.

At noon, the mother and daughter did not come back, but Lan Yue did. As soon as she entered the East Room, she saw Cheng was reading an article. Lan Yue watched from a distance without making a sound.

Cheng Gang turned around, smiled at her, and said, "Lan Yue, you're back, help me to see how this article is written?" He heard Lan Hua say that Lan Yue teaches Chinese.

Lan Yue said, "Will I disturb your work here?"

Cheng Gang shook his head and said, "No, no, I have finished writing today's progress." Lan Yue just came over. Cheng Gang stood up and gave her his place. Lan Yue sat down and read Cheng Gang's novel carefully. When she first started reading, Lan Yue was still a little unnatural, for fear that Cheng Gang would behave rudely, but as she read, her heart followed the plot, and she forgot everything else. After reading this passage, she closed her eyes slightly and didn't say a word for a long time.

Cheng Gang looked at her pretty face and asked, "Lan Yue, how is it? Is my writing okay?"

Lan Yue looked up at him and said, "Excellent, I can't think of your literary talent. So good."

Hearing the beautiful woman complimenting herself, Cheng Gang felt very comfortable and said, "I'm not from this industry, I learned to write by myself."

Lan Yue asked, "You are What university did you graduate from?"

Cheng Gang answered honestly, "I graduated from the University of Technology...." Lan Yue had to admire it, because the University of Technology was a prestigious university and it was not easy to get admitted, and Lan Yue herself was only a specialist. graduate.

Lan Yue thought for a while, then said, "Brother Cheng, how much is your computer?"

Cheng Gang replied, "It's not expensive, it's not expensive, it's only more than 10,000 yuan."

Lan Yue frowned and said, "It's not expensive for you guys, but if I have to earn two years, I have to spend a penny."

Cheng Gang could see that she likes this computer very much. A beautiful laptop with this stunning beauty is a perfect match. Cheng Gang couldn't help but say, "If you like it, I'll give you one."

Lan Yue stood up and shook her head, "This thing is too expensive, I can't bear it." Then she added, "You haven't Let's eat? I'm going to have a hot meal." Before Cheng Gang could say anything, she had already walked out of the house.

Looking at her back, Cheng Gang sighed in his heart, "This girl is really delicious, not only has a personality, hey, she seems to be more beautiful than my wife.

During the meal, Cheng Gang sat across from Lan Yue, watching her pretty face. She was still wearing yesterday's clothes and still had a straight face. It can be seen that she did not intend to show her face to Cheng Gang, but her expression has always been like this. Cheng Gang felt that there was a snow-capped mountain sitting across from him.

Nevertheless, Cheng Gang is still very satisfied. Because the other party is a beautiful woman after all, just like the beautiful woman in the painting. The two ate quietly, Lan Yue said nothing, and although Cheng Gang wanted to say something, she didn't know what she liked to hear.

After thinking about it, Cheng Gang asked, "Lan Yue, is our little girl coming back soon?"

Lan Yue was startled when she heard the word "our family", and then realized that they were one family. People are not strangers, but their own brother-in-law. Lan Yue thought for a while, then glanced at Cheng Gang's face with the corner of her eyes, and said, "I'll be back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Today is Friday."

Cheng Gang heard the beautiful woman's voice, and her heart was so sweet. Cool, she asked again, "I heard that the little girl is also very beautiful, just as good as you."

Lan Yue's deep eyes stared at Cheng Gang and said, "Orchid and Lan Xue are very beautiful, I'm a little worse."

Cheng Gang said sincerely, "You're not bad either, you have a good figure and a good face, but..." Cheng Gang smiled lightly, without saying anything.When Lan Xue heard that her brother was in trouble again, she scolded softly, "It's really unbearable for people to hurt people. If it goes on like this, it will kill my mother."

Cheng Gang smiled and said, "Lan Xue Ah, take a look, I'll sit in the east room for a while." Then he went to the east room. As soon as he sat on the edge of the kang, Lan Xue followed.

Cheng Gang asked, "What's wrong, Lan Xue?"

Lan Xue wanted to come and see what this stranger was doing in the East Room, where his brother lived. She thought to herself: he wouldn't be trying to steal something from his brother, would he? As soon as he entered the room, he saw a laptop on the table.

Lan Xue approached it, pointed at it and asked, "Whose computer is this?"

Cheng Gang replied, "It's mine."

Lan Xue asked, "I can touch it.

Cheng Gang smiled, stood up, walked over, and said, "Whatever you want, you can play." Lan Xue's face beamed with joy. Something, like admiring something baby.

Cheng Gang smiled and asked, "Do you like it?"

Lan Xue couldn't help but replied, "I like it, but I can't afford it."

Cheng Gang smiled and said, "If you like it, turn back Let your sister buy you a game."

Lan Xue shook her head and said, "Where does my sister get the money, she doesn't buy lottery tickets, and she won't win the lottery."

Cheng Gang explained: "I The money is your sister's money."

Lan Xue widened her eyes and asked, "Are you rich?"

Cheng Gang pursed his lips and said, "I don't have much money, but I can buy There is money for a computer. Few people in your school have this kind of thing, right?"

Lan Xue stretched out her finger and swiped on the computer, thought for a while, and said, "Our classmates only have notebooks at Yan Lingling's house. A computer, other people have a desktop type that would be nice." He said with great disappointment on his face. Cheng Gang is a mature man, of course he knows what she is thinking.

He comforted: "You don't have to think too much. What other people have, you will have it in the future. You study hard, you will earn money in the future, and you can buy whatever you want."

Lan Xue smiled, He said, "That's right, that's what I think too. After studying, you will have a future, and you will have everything you want. It's nice to be a rich man, you can eat well, dress well, and live well. Like our class Yan Lingling, I really want everything. We all envy her. But she is very stingy. We can’t even go to her house and touch her laptop.”

Cheng Gang slowly put the laptop down. He lifted the lid and asked, "What does her family do? So rich."

Lan Xuemei looked at the exposed screen and keyboard, and replied, "Her father is a big boss and is in the entertainment business. , is very powerful in the county seat, and there are several million in the family."

Cheng Gang sighed, "It's quite a lot, and it's quite rich." He added, "If you like it, just play."

Lan Xue smiled happily, with a pretty face as beautiful as a flower, and said, "Can I really move it?"

Gang Gang replied firmly, "Of course it can, isn't this thing just for people to play with!"

Lan Xue sat down, stretched out her hand to the keyboard, then retracted her hand, and said, "I don't want it anymore, if it breaks me But if I can't take the responsibility, my mother will scold me."

Cheng Gang smiled and said, "Lan Xue, we are a family, don't be so open, just play. If this thing is so easy to break, then The computer company has long since collapsed."

Lan Xue smiled towards Cheng Gang before playing with the keyboard. Lan Xue saw that the button sank and bounced under her own tap, as if she saw a fun toy, her beautiful eyes lit up.

Lan Xue played for a while, then turned her head and asked, "How do I open the program? I want to type."

Cheng Gang asked, "Have you never played with the computer?"

Lan Xue looked at the screen , said: "I have played, our school has a computer class, but I haven't touched the laptop. This thing doesn't have a mouse, so it's not very easy to use."

Cheng Gang pointed to the touchpad and explained: "The touch A board is a mouse, try it out." He smelled the body fragrance from Lan Xue's body, he was really relaxed, and his soul seemed to be moving. He secretly scolded himself for being lecherous, how could he think about such a big and small head.

At the moment Lan Xue is operating the touchpad, and no matter how much she moves, she cannot make the cursor reach the specified position. Cheng Gang was anxious when he saw it, so he gave her a demonstration. Lan Xue tried again, but it still didn't work. Cheng Gang smiled and said, "Let me help you." Holding Lan Xue's little hand, they started working together. Under Cheng Gang's "guidance", the cursor could easily point to the position Lan Xue wanted.

When Cheng Gang looked at Lan Xue, he saw the little girl's pretty face blushing. Cheng Gang immediately realized what was going on, and quickly let go of Lan Xue's little hand. But the impression that Lan Xue's little hands left on her did not disappear immediately. It can be described as soft, slippery, thin, and warm. If you want to come here, Lan Xue can't do physical work at home.

Lan Xue didn't speak, she typed casually on the computer, typing a few lines, not very smooth. Cheng Gang asked, "What's wrong, Lan Xue?"

Lan Xue sighed, "This keyboard is different from the school keyboard, I'm not used to it."

Cheng Gang encouraged: "I will learn it slowly in the future. That's good, I was like this when I first started."

Lan Xue turned to look at Cheng Gang and asked, "Can I still use it in the future?"

Cheng Gang said happily, "Why not? If you like it, I can give it to you. If you don't like this one, I can buy one for you."

Lan Xue looked at him and asked, "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Cheng Just smiled and said, "We are a family, you are my sister-in-law, it's not a big deal to send something."

Lan Xue smiled and said, "I want a lot of things, but you can't give them all. me." Cheng GanglaCrossing a stool and sitting beside her, she said, "What do you want, let's hear it."

Lan Xue stretched out her fingers and said, tilting her head, "I want a laptop, think of it. I want to go to school in the city, I want to live in a building, I like to ride in a car, and I want to marry a great hero in the future. All of this has been achieved, it is great, this life will not be in vain." Said, Lan Xue looked beautiful. Squinted and bent, with a sweet face.

Cheng Gang said by the side: "Your wishes are very ordinary, and it is not impossible to achieve."

Lan Xue seemed to have been intoxicated in her rotten dreams, and said faintly: "I'm afraid I don't have that. Good luck." He opened his beautiful eyes, a little worried.

Cheng Gang interjected: "Do you believe that I am your brother-in-law this time? They have all gone out, let me watch the house."

Lan Xue looked at Cheng Gang, blinked her beautiful eyes, and said: " Well, I believe half of it."

Cheng Gang was surprised: "Half of it?"

Lan Xue nodded and said, "Yes, the other half has to wait for my sister to come back to verify his identity." Cheng Gang couldn't help laughing out loud. What have I become, a prisoner to be executed? Only the prisoner needs to be authenticated.

While the two of them were talking, Feng Shuping and the orchid worker just came back.

As soon as Lan Xue saw her mother, she called out and rushed towards Feng Shuping with a look of joy. Feng Shuping hurriedly said, "I'm dirty, so don't hug me." Lan Xue winked at her mother, and then said to Lan Hua, "Second sister, you're finally back, I miss you to death. You won't come back. Make a phone call, so I can see you in time."

Lan Hua stepped forward and shook Lan Xue's little hand and said, "In order to surprise you, I came back without notifying my family."

Lan Xue Hee Hee laughed, turned around and pointed at Cheng Gang, and asked, "Sister, he said he is your man, is it true?"

Lan Hua glanced at Cheng Gang with a helpless face and said, "Look at him. Don't you look like it?"

Lan Xue's beautiful eyes looked at her sister, then at Cheng Gang, and said, "Look at you two now, you look a bit like a husband and wife."

Lan Hua pointed with her finger She tapped Lan Xue's forehead and said, "I have a small head, so I can't speak at all. You are chatting with your brother-in-law in the house, and Mom and I are going to wash our hands and change clothes." Then he followed Feng Shuping out of the house.

Cheng Gang said to Lan Xue, "Lan Xue, do you believe that I am your brother-in-law this time?"

Lan Xue giggled and said, "Well, this is the letter. Brother-in-law, I ask you, do you How did you get my second sister's heart?" After speaking, he turned his head and walked over to sit next to Cheng Gang. As soon as Cheng Gang reached out his hand, he could wrap his arms around her shoulder.

Cheng Gang deliberately gave a deep smile and said, "Is there any need to ask? Of course, my charm is irresistible. My eyes will be seductive, and your second sister will be fascinated by the look in my eyes." Listen. After Cheng Gang's nonsense, Lan Xue giggled, her voice was sweet and delicate, and her body shook with laughter.

Cheng Gang praised: "Lan Xue, your voice is very nice, if you learn to sing, it should be good."

Lan Xue stopped her laughter, snorted, made a dashing gesture, and said, "Brother-in-law , you are right. I am the class monitor in literature and art, and I won the first place in our school singing competition."

Cheng Gang was surprised and said, "Isn't that a little singer?"

Lan Xue said proudly, "That's natural. Our school chose the school's beauties, and I came second."

Cheng Gang looked at her appearance and said, "Why not first? You are so beautiful, and She has a temperament."

Lan Xue snorted and said unevenly, "Yan Lingling took it first."

Cheng Gang asked, "Is she prettier than you?"

Lan Xue said loudly, "How can I be beautiful, but people can dress up, and a piece of clothing costs a few hundred yuan, how can I compare with others." Speaking of this, Lan Xue lowered her head, obviously with a heavy heart.

Cheng Gang comforted: "Lan Xue, don't be sad. In the future, I will help you buy clothes and dress up well. When you choose the school beauties next time, let you overwhelm her and be the boss."

Lan Xue's mood Shu Chang said, "That's right, I want to be the eldest, not the second child." The little girl was speechless, but Cheng Gang thought of sex from the word "second child". His thoughts: Orchid really didn't lie to me, hers? One sister and one sister are beautiful women. This small head has not fully grown yet, in a few years, she will be more beautiful than the two sisters.

Cheng Gang looked at her with a smile, took her as a work of art, and said, "Lan Xue, sing a song for me."

Lan Xue asked, "What do you sing? "

Cheng Gang said, "You can sing anything, you can sing what you like."

Lan Xue is very generous, she sings when she opens her mouth, and sings the famous song (Mother's Kiss), her voice is crisp, like beads falling The jade plate is sincere and attractive. Before she could finish singing, Cheng Gang couldn't help but applaud.

After Lan Xue finished singing, she said, "Brother-in-law, do you think I can sing well?"

Cheng Gang answered sincerely, "That's a question, I sing very well. As long as you are trained, I can become a singer in the future."

Lan Xue smiled and said, "If you say that, I feel confident. I want to participate in the 'Super Girl' competition next year."

Xian Gang said, "Okay. , but it must not affect your studies."

Lan Xue happily replied: "I see, brother-in-law."

Just as the conversation was lively, Feng Shuping and Lan Hua had already changed their clothes and entered the room. Orchid is a denim outfit, neat and graceful. Feng Shuping put on the clothes that her daughter bought, and suddenly it was like a different person. She didn't look like a middle-aged woman at all, she was clearly a moving beauty.

Lan Xue exclaimed, "Mom, you are so beautiful." She jumped up, ran up, looked up and down at her mother, and looked surprised. Cheng Gang also praised in his heart: Feng Shuping is really beautiful, not like the mother of an orchid, like a sister, but don't forget to return the key. "

Lan Yue agreed and led Cheng Gang out of the house, went to her office to retrieve the key, and then returned to the guard room. This time Cheng Gang did not follow up with the house. Lan Yue put down the key and was about to leave the house when Uncle Qin called her: "Mr. Lan, wait a moment."

Lan Yue turned around and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Uncle Qin touched the red light With a nose of wine lees, he glanced outside the door and asked with a smile, "Mr. Lan, who is that young man? Is he your partner?" No, it's my second sister's object."

Uncle Qin was a little disappointed and said, "Mr. Lan, you're not too young, it's time to find a man. If your father is still alive, he will be anxious. If he If I'm still alive, I won't drink alone."

Lan Yue sighed and said, "Nothing else, I'll go first."

Uncle Qin took a sip of wine. The residual fluid flowed down from the corner of his mouth. He wiped it off, as if he suddenly remembered something, and said, "Teacher Lan, wait a minute, I'd better tell you something."

Lan Yue looked at the old man and said, "What is it? Does it matter to me?"

Uncle Qin whispered: "When you go back, don't go near the temple to the east."

Lan Yue asked in confusion, "Why? Is there a problem inside?"

Uncle Qin With an ambiguous smile, he said, "Anyway, listen to me." Lan Yue nodded, and then came out of the room. She thought about the half of Uncle Qin's words in her heart, and she was full of doubts.

【Episode 1】Chapter 4: Eavesdropping

When the two left the school and passed by the temple, Lan Yue's heart moved and she said to Cheng Gang, "Wait for me here, I'll go to the temple to see! "

Cheng Gang asked, "What are you going to see?"

Lan Yue didn't tell the truth, but said, "I heard that there are ghosts there these days, I'll go and see if it's true."

Cheng Gang was worried and said, "Lan Yue, I'll go with you. If there really is a ghost, I can help you fight the ghost."

Lan Yue insisted on going by herself and said, "Wait for me here, If there is a ghost, I will come back to call you." After speaking, Lan Yue quietly walked towards the temple. Cheng Gang saw that she didn't take him with him, so he had no choice but to do it.

Lan Yue approached the temple when she heard a small sound inside, not sure what it was. When she approached the half-closed temple door, she heard panting, moaning, wailing, and foul language. Even though Lan Yue was a girl, she understood what they were doing. Her face was hot and she wanted to leave.

At this time, the voice inside was much less and began to speak. Lan Yue became curious and wanted to know who the happy person was inside. Her ears were close to the door and she listened carefully.

A woman said, "What did you do today? After a few fucks, it's over." The voice was thin and coquettish.

A man replied, "Don't mention it, my family has been pestering me to fuck her these past few days, making me almost fall apart." His voice was rough and hoarse, as if he was sick.

The woman said angrily, "You're not tired of fucking other women, are you?"

The man laughed and said, "What's wrong? I'm the only woman besides me."

The woman snorted and said, "You're not telling the truth. People say you have an affair with your sister-in-law." Yes, can I beat her up?"

The woman laughed: "So, if your sister-in-law doesn't look like pine bark, you'll fuck her."

The man scolded: " Little saucy, stop talking nonsense."

The woman cleared her throat and said, "Even if I talk nonsense, it doesn't matter. I'll ask you one more thing, you have to tell me the truth."

The man said: "Let's do another shot, you can ask again."

The woman said: "You answer me first."

The man said impatiently, "Tell me, hurry up. "

The woman asked, "I heard that Feng Shuping came to your house to borrow money a few days ago. You have to sleep with them before you agree to lend her money. Is that true?"

The man Hee hee smiled: "There is something about borrowing money, but I didn't sleep with her."

The woman said, "If you want to sleep with someone else, they won't do it. You, the village chief, will be embarrassed."

The village chief defended: "I don't want to be rough, otherwise, would she still be able to run away?" His voice was full of disbelief.

The woman said, "You're finally telling the truth, you really have that kind of mind."

The village chief smiled and said, "It's normal to have it. Who would tell her to be good-looking. In our village, among the old ladies. She is the most beautiful."

The woman asked quickly, "What about me?"

The village chief replied, "You are better than her."

The woman smiled and said, " It's not too bad."

The village chief added: "I mean you are better than her in bed, you can scream like that, you can call a man's soul to death, and you can drain a man's blood. "

The woman said coquettishly, "So you're blaming me, I don't try my best with you." There was a chirping sound, and it was obvious that the two were kissing together. Lan Yue, who was outside the door, could not think that her mother had borrowed money, and the village chief still had such bad thoughts about her mother. She thought to herself, "It's really unpredictable. I usually look at him like a gentleman, but I never thought it would turn out to be such a hateful face.

After a while, the woman said again: "She is the most beautiful among the old ladies. Needless to say, the three daughters of her family are the best among the little girls."

The village chief replied: "That's right, hey , the girls in her family are better than each other! If you can let me fuck all of them once, it will be worth dying immediately." The nephew called her Lan Qiang to fight, your brother andSister-in-law went to her house to make trouble. You know that? "

The village chief said, "Of course I know about such a big thing."

The woman said, "What are you going to do?"

The village chief said happily: "What should I do? I'll ask you all about it." Clearly, it was Ma Wu's boy who molested Lan Yue first, and Lan Qiang beat him to vent his anger for his sister. There's nothing wrong with that."

The woman emphasized, "He's your nephew, and you're helping outsiders."

The village chief snorted and said, "I'm helping the rationale, not the relatives. What if he's my nephew, the village headman has to be reasonable."

The woman laughed: "You're still reasonable. Na? If you're reasonable, why did you sleep with me, I'm someone else's wife."

The village chief laughed and said, "Who told you to seduce me? Fuck it for free, can I not?"

The woman snorted: "You call me a piece of shit, and I'll stop with you. You also say that you're the village chief. If you're really ambitious, why do we have to go to this fucking place to fuck? It's cold and scary. Yes."

The village chief said: "If you are really dissatisfied, we can also be comfortable and warm."

The woman asked: "Where are you going?"

The village chief said: "I You can go directly to your house at night, let your man prepare the food and drink, and let's finish drinking."

The woman said angrily, "No, he is a rude person, and he has to work hard with you."

The village chief After laughing a few times, he said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's hurry up and let me fuck you again."

The woman laughed and said, "Are you alright?"

The village chief replied: "Why not? You touch me."

The woman asked again, "What if touching it doesn't work?"

The village chief said, "Then you give me your mouth. Blow it up."

The woman smiled and said, "You're still fucking your wife! You should buy more..." Before she could finish speaking, she was silent, and she didn't know what was blocking her. mouth. Then I heard the sound of chirping, a comfortable gasping sound, and then heard the village chief boast: "licking well, licking well, you are such a natural slut, licking dick is better than others."

Outside, Lan Yue immediately understood what was going on. She couldn't listen anymore, turned around, and walked a few steps on tiptoe, then ran away. She felt sick when she remembered what they were doing and licking the dick. She was very disgusted, very rambunctious, and a little secretly delighted. She felt as if a fire was rising inside her, causing her to have something to flow out. Fortunately, Lan Yue was rational and quickly put aside this unhealthy feeling.

She ran back like she was running for her life, as if staying here for a while would make herself a bad person. From that voice, she already knew who the two were. One is the village head and the other is Auntie Li from the brigade. Aunt Li is an accountant. She is thirty-five or six years old this year. She usually looks very serious, but she can't imagine cuckolding her husband secretly.

Lan Yue ran very fast. When she ran to the intersection, she didn't see Cheng Gang. She was startled and a little nervous. The lights were dark and no one was following. What should I do? She turned around and complained in her heart: where have you gone, when you need you, you will not be seen.

At this moment, Cheng Gang came out from behind a tree and hugged her from behind. Lan Yue snorted, and Cheng Gang said, "Don't say anything, it's me." Her waist was so thin, her body was so warm, and the fragrance enveloped her like a mist. Thinking of her tall and straight breasts, I really wanted to try it with my hands, but I wasn't brave enough.

Lan Yue didn't expect him to be so bold and dare to hug her after only two days of meeting. She was about to struggle and roar, but Cheng Gang had already let go of her. Cheng Gang knew the reason for the point, so he deliberately hid to make her nervous, and then came out to scare her and take a little advantage. To be honest, he is usually quite a gentleman, but when he saw Lan Yue, he couldn't help it, so he wanted to hug her.

Although Lan Yue was full of anger, she suppressed it and hurriedly said, "Let's go, it's scary here."

Cheng Gang had taken advantage of her and was in a good mood, and hurriedly asked, "Are you here? What did you see over there?"

Lan Yue sighed and said, "Don't ask." Then she walked towards the house first. Cheng Gang quickly followed. According to his temper, he really wanted to follow him to see what was wrong there. However, Lan Yue was the most important thing in front of him, and it was inconvenient for him to leave her.

When the two returned home, the dumplings at home had already been made, and the mother and daughter were talking in the Westinghouse. Orchid stood up after seeing Cheng Gang, greeted everyone, and dragged him to the East Room.

While helping Chenggang lay the quilt, Orchid asked Chenggang how he was on the road.

Cheng Gang replied: "It went well, but when you come back, your sister will go to the temple to lie down!"

Lan Hua lowered her voice and asked, "What's going on?" Cheng Gang shook his head.

Lan Hua stopped asking about it, and said, "You didn't take advantage of your sister along the way, did you?"

Cheng Gang smiled and said, "Your sister is as cold as an iceberg, why would I dare to do that? "Looking back on the feeling of hugging my waist just now, I was really intoxicated.

The two chatted for a while, Lan Hua said, "Let's sleep."

Cheng Gang looked at the Westinghouse and said, "You don't have to accompany them?"

Lan Hua spread a quilt, Two pillows, smiled and said, "Don't you like me to accompany you?" With a coquettish expression on his face, it was a sexual suggestion.

Cheng Gang replied, "That would be the best." His eyes lit up. The impulse caused by Lan Yue just now has condensed into a fire. This fire is very uncomfortable for him, and now he is going to get angry through the small hole of the orchid.

Orchid turned off the lights, and the two got on the kang, ready to have a big fight.

The two stripped naked and tangled together under the covers. Cheng Gang stroked her warm and smooth body and said, "Orchid, you are so warm tonight.behind. She was embarrassed to wrap her arms around Gang's waist, so she stretched her hands back and pulled the rear handlebar to keep her body steady and not fall off.

Cheng Gang said, "Lan Xue, sit down." As soon as the accelerator was turned on, the motorcycle ran out the door with a smooth machine sound. Before going out, Cheng Gang had a plan in his heart, he was going to see that ancient temple. Although he had seen it twice, he had never entered it. He wanted to see what secrets there were inside, and also wanted to know why Lan Yue was in a panic when she came out of there that night.

There were many people walking on the road, and everyone saw the two of them, but everyone already knew that Cheng Gang was the man of Orchid, and it was not surprising that he was carrying his sister-in-law. In their eyes, Lan Xue was not even a woman, but just a hairy child.

In the blink of an eye, the motorcycle stopped in front of the temple. When the two came down, Lan Xue asked, "What are you doing here?"

Cheng Gang replied, "I haven't been in yet, so I want to know what's interesting there."

Lan Xue said, "Then I'll take you in, this is the place I know best, I used to play here when I was a kid." He pushed open the temple door and walked in with Cheng Gang.

There are several statues in it, but they are not very beautiful, they are just a meaning. The table in front of the statue is still there, and there are incense burners, but there are some hay in the hall, and I don't know what it is used for. At this time, a man was bending over to look for something. When he saw someone coming, he was first surprised, then smiled and said, "It's Lan Xue, are you guys coming to play?"

Lan Xue saw him and said: "It's the village chief uncle, what are you doing here?"

The village chief smiled and said, "It's nothing, because it says that the cultural relics are to be protected, and the temple needs to be repaired. I'll come and see if there is any need. How much does it cost to repair?"

Lan Xue sighed and said, "So that's the way it is, Uncle Village Chief, so we don't need to pay for it?"

The Village Chief smiled and said: "I'll study it later, I don't know now." He then glanced at the temple gate and said, "You guys play slowly, I'll be busy first."

As soon as he left, Lan Xue said, "Looks like he is sneaky, like he is doing something bad."

Cheng Gang smiled and said, "Lan Xue, he seems to be looking for something, maybe there is something wrong with him. Something was left here."

Lan Xue nodded and said, "Yes, yes, he is looking for something." After speaking, Lan Xue raised her waist and found it in the place that the village chief noticed. The pair of beautiful-eyed policemen with a small head felt like a cat, and Cheng Gang also came to help, and he was also curious.

The two searched the temple earnestly. After a while, Lan Xue giggled and cheered: "I found it, I found it." Come out with a lighter in hand.

Cheng Gang looked at it and asked, "It's a bit impossible for a village chief to come here just to find such a lighter."

Lan Xue nodded and said, "Yes, this thing is worth a few dollars. Money?" Little head tossed and turned, trying to find out the secret.

Cheng Gang said, "Show me." Lan Xue threw it into his hand. Cheng Gang weighed it with his hands, and knew that this was not the kind of one dollar. He started a fire and blew it with his mouth, and the fire was crooked but not extinguished. Blow hard again, and it still won't go out. When you let go, the fire goes out. He immediately understood that the village chief was looking for this thing. He knew that such a lighter must not be cheap.

In addition, Cheng Gang after trial and error, he noticed that the lighter side is very special. When the fire was on, the pattern of the babes on it suddenly changed from three-point style to nude; when the fire was extinguished, the clothes were back, and Cheng just saw him and laughed.

Lan Xue's sharp eyes also discovered this secret. Her little face flushed, and she scolded, "It's disgusting. Look here, I'm going to ride a motorcycle." Then she ran out.

Cheng Gang put away the lighter and walked out of the temple. The place in front of and behind the temple is not small, and it is flat. Cheng Gang started his motorcycle and patiently taught Lan Xue how to ride a bicycle. Because he was afraid of her falling, Cheng Gang had to follow him, carefully imparting his experience and theory. Lan Xue was about to fall several times, but Cheng Gang stepped forward in time to protect her, making her turn the corner. In this way, Lan Xue was held by Cheng Gang, and Fang's heart was beating so hard, but her enthusiasm for learning to drive made her ignore all these.

On Cheng Gang's side, seize every opportunity to contact her. Through contact, he knew that Lan Xue's body was soft and warm, which was different from hugging the sisters.

While I was practicing happily, someone called out on the road, "Lan Xue, something happened to your house, you are still in the mood to play." That person was Er donkey.

Lan Xue stopped the car and yelled at the second donkey, "Don't talk nonsense, something happened to your family."

The second donkey laughed and said, "Your brother got into trouble again in the county town, and people came to the door. here." He said and left.

Lan Xue shouted: "Hey, stop, is what you said true?"

The two donkeys turned around and said, "You don't believe in pulling it down." Lan Xue could see clearly, a schadenfreude on his face. smile.

Lan Xue became nervous and looked at Cheng Gang. Cheng Gang said, "Go back and have a look." Then he took Lan Xue to ride home. His gut told him that the guy wasn't lying.

[End of the first episode]

This post was last edited by [Little Face Cat]: 30th/Dec/2012 6:8:57

Other chapters
Title & Chapter Author
Small Village Spring(第一集)
Small Village Spring(第二集)
Small Village Spring(第三集)
Small Village Spring(第四集)
Small Village Spring(第五集)
Small Village Spring(第六集)
Small Village Spring(第七集)
Small Village Spring(第八集)
Small Village Spring(第九集)
Small Village Spring(第十集)
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