The Days Related to Xiaolu Renewed (29-30完)

2891Clicks 2019-09-09
Twenty-nine [Days Related to Xiaolu Renewed] (A Line) (Original Sister Series)

A week after Xiaolu's birthday party, Xiaolu couldn't bear to be lonely again , Leaving Sister Durunning to my house alone.

Now that it is midsummer, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Xiao Lu started to scream hot as soon as she got off the bus. There is an air conditioner on the bus. After getting off the bus, she was directly basking in the sun, so it’s no wonder she didn’t feel hot.

Xiaolu is wearing a pair of light blue tight hot pants, with her two big white legs dangling outside, and a pair of flat sandals on her feet, which makes Xiaolu look like a The little feet are all exposed. The upper body is a sleeveless white vest, the shoulders and arms are completely exposed, and the breasts are exposed in the front. The snow-white plump breasts, together with the gathering effect of the front vest, formed a deep cleavage between Xiaolu's collar. The back of the clothes also adopts a crisscross design, so that Xiaolu's jade back is exposed.

With Xiaolu's attire, even I couldn't help staring at Xiaolu, not to mention the pedestrians on the road.

"Smelly Yiyi, what are you looking at?"

"Look at you, look at your chest, look at your legs." Xiaolu is my girlfriend, and I still I won't be embarrassed, just tell her frankly.

"..." Xiaolu was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect me to react like this. "Rogue!"

Without saying a word, I grabbed her hand and walked forward. Xiaolu simply hugged my arm.

"Isn't it hot for you to hug like this?"

"Are you too hot?" Xiao Lu glared at me.

"I don't dislike it, I'm just afraid that you will be hot."

"You're smart, huh!" After finishing speaking, Xiaolu hugged her even tighter.

Xiaolu pressed her breasts against my arms, and the breasts were squeezed and almost squeezed out of the vest. Pedestrians on the road looked sideways from time to time. Seeing that, I quickly dragged Xiaolu and rushed home.

Walking to the family area, there are finally fewer pedestrians on the road.

I flicked Xiaolu's forehead, "You, you are almost being seen by others."

"No way." Xiaolu made a gesture to me Grimacing, "Look, I'm well protected inside."

Seeing no one around, Xiao Lu directly opened her collar, revealing her big snow-white breasts. The half-cup white bra made Xiaolu's breasts fuller and taller.

"Okay, okay, I know." I patted Xiaolu's hand, and Xiaolu let go of her collar. "Noweven if there is no one, don't pull your clothes off, do you hear me?"

"Yes, my body can only be shown to you."

When Xiaolu said this, I was embarrassed to drag Xiaolu to walk home quickly.

Walking downstairs to my house, I don't know when a truck stopped at the door of the unit. A few workers were unloading things on the ground, including tables, chairs and large cardboard boxes. The school built a community next door, many people have moved there, and this building is empty for several households. It looks like someone is moving in again.

I pulled Xiaolu to go upstairs. My house is on the right side of the third floor, next to the stairs going downstairs, and the opposite door is next to the stairs going up, but the opposite door has been vacant for more than half a year, and no one has lived in it.

Xiaolu and I walked to the third floor only to find out that the newly moved house is exactly the opposite door. The anti-theft door opposite the door was wide open, and the inside was chaotic, with all kinds of things everywhere, and a man was shouting and directing there.

Only then did I realize that there was a girl sitting on the stairs next to the door, and that girl had been looking at me since just now.

The girl is wearing a slim white shirt on her upper body, a knee-length denim skirt on her lower body, and her waist-length hair is scatteredon her back. The girl's appearance can be regarded as a beauty, but the whole body gives people a very thin feeling. The girl was sitting alone on the stairs, her face was already covered with beads of sweat, and a few strands of hair were sticking to her face.

"Hi!" The girl greeted me.

"Hi!" I raised my hand halfway in embarrassment and then put it down.

Xiaolu poked me from behind, "Someone you know?"

I shook my head, I have no impression of the face of this new girl . In recent years, I have lived in the family area of ​​the school. Except for my sister, I no longer know other girls of the same age.

The girl glanced at Xiao Lu, then looked at me with a smile, without making a sound.

I finally plan to break this embarrassing situation. "Well, I seem to be your neighbor."

"I know."

"That," I don't know what to say later, "Come and visit when you have time "

"I will definitely go." The girl looked at me with a smile and looked at me from the beginning to the end when she spoke.

I didn't dare to look directly at the girl, so after saying goodbye, I dragged Xiaolu into the room.

It is Friday noon and there is no one at home. Xiaolu went straight into my room, and then went straight to the bedLie down. "Ah, it's so comfortable!"

"Get up, look at your sweaty body, go take a bath, the water has been boiled for you." I pinched Xiaolu's nose Xiao Lu got up from the bed.

"You still love me the most." Xiao Lu threw her phone on the bed and ran into the bathroom.

I put away Xiaolu's cell phone, and then turned on the air conditioner in my room. I'm still a little concerned about the girl at the opposite door, she doesn't look very healthy. I went into the living room and looked out through the screen door at the entrance. No one can be seen outside the door, the girl is no longer sitting in the position just now.

After taking a shower with warm water, Xiao Lu walked into my room with a bra and hot pants.

"It's so comfortable!" Xiao Lu stretched her waist and snorted comfortably. "Yiyi, I didn't miss it, my body cooled down immediately."

After speaking, Xiaolu immediately threw the hot pants and bra in her hand bed. Then I lay down on my bed very bluntly, just like my own home now. When Xiao Lu lay down, her big breasts also trembled.

"Yi Yi, come to the bed quickly."

As soon as I sat on the bed, Xiao Lu put her feet on my thigh. "Yiyi, my feet are sore from walking, you can help me squeeze them." Xiao Lu started to whine when she disagreed with her, and the three of them felt sore in their hearts.

I held Xiaolu's feet in my hands, and began to press hard on the soles of the feet with my fingers, while my eyes stared straight at Xiaolu's chest. Without the restraint of a bra, Xiaolu's big breasts spread out on her chest, and the marks of her nipples on the vest were particularly obvious.

"Girl, have your breasts gotten bigger again?"

Because my feet were caught in my hands, Xiao Lu had to sit up halfway, "Did you see it? "Xiao Lu was a little excited, and lay back down after speaking.

"It feels a little bigger than before."

"I asked Sister Du to measure it for me when I went back last week, and it was 1cm bigger. This is all yours Thanks."

Speaking of this, I smiled awkwardly.

"One by one, don't be embarrassed, it's because you often rub my breasts that my breasts will become bigger."

"It's your foundation, Du Why don’t my sister and my sister have such big breasts.”

“That’s because you rubbed less, so you have to touch their breasts more in the future to let their breasts You will grow up quickly."

"You think everyone thinks of you, and you are proud of having such a big lump of meat on your chest."

"Yes Really." Xiaolu showed a serious expression on her face, "Aside from Fangfang, Sister Du is very concerned about her small breasts."

"Yes Is it? I didn’t feel it at all before.”

“Stupid, how can someone tell you such a thing, even if you have a skin relationship with Sister Du, Sister Du will not Maybe you tell this kind of thing to boys."

"That's right."

"Yes, you still have to learn enough about girls' minds."

"Xiao Lu, I want to ask you something."

"Speak." Xiao Lu lay on the bed, but she didn't notice that my expression became serious.

"Did you talk to Sister Du afterwards?" I really want to know, after Xiaolu found out about me and Sister Du last time, is there any relationship between Xiaolu and Sister Du? what happened.

"I said it."

"What did Sister Du say?" I was eager to know the result.

"Oh, one by one, don't be so nervous, it's okay. Sister Du said that she has long felt that I intend to match you and her. She also said that since I don't mind She has no problem with your relationship with her."

"Well, what about me and sister Du?"

"Hey," Xiaolu smiled wickedly , Without saying a few words, he started to be serious again. "So you can have sex with her any way you want to have sex with her in the future. There is no need to hide my back at all, and we can even be three of ustogether... Hehehe, you understand." Xiao Lu said I blinked.

"This is not what Sister Du said, it sounds like you said it."

"You really know Sister Du one by one, but Sister Du is this What do you mean?"

It should be true that Sister Du doesn't care, but Xiaolu's words must have been maliciously processed by her.

Xiaolu retracted one foot, and then extended the other foot to my thigh. I started pinching Xiaolu's other foot again.

"Speaking of girl, did you talk to my sister about this?"

"No, Fangfang is a jealous jar. Tell her, this jealous jar must be turned over on the spot It's gone."

"Oh, then you want me to open a harem with you, if my sister knows, the jar of vinegarcan't explode on the spot."

"Hahahaha, one by one, your description is too appropriate, the picture is full of sense, hahahaha."


"But one by one you don't have to worry too much, with Fangfang's character, you are close to other girls, Fangfang's vinegar jar It's a flip, but she will be more proactive in throwing herself into her arms afterwards."

"Really?" I don't quite believe Xiaolu's words.

"Really, you don't even believe what I say!" Xiao Lu half sat up again angrily.

"Okay, okay, I believe it, and lie down."

I pressed the soles of Xiaolu's feet again and again, while chatting casually with Xiaolu, Xiaolu's body and mind are getting weaker and weaker,Finally, I talked to her and there was no response. I looked up, and this girl actually fell asleep after being pinched by me.

I covered Xiaolu with a quilt, and then fixed my eyes on the soft flesh on Xiaolu's chest. Seriously, Xiaoluis small, but with such big breasts on her body, she looks so majestic that I can't help but want to hold it in my hand. I was worried that I would wake Xiaolu up, so I covered Xiaolu's chest with a towel, and then gently put my hands on Xiaolu's breasts through the clothes, not daring to hold them hard. I glanced at Xiaolu's face, Xiaolu didn't seem to respond. I held my breath and tried to grasp twice, but these two light strokes have already made me a little addicted. But I finally held back, took back my hands, and covered Xiaolu with a towel.

Xiaolu's breathing was still steady.

I turned on the computer, put on the earphones, and diverted my attention, intending to erase the picture of the little breast exposed in my brain.

Just as I was immersed in the pleasure of the game, suddenly two hands stretched out from both sides of my neck to the front, followed by a pair of big breasts on both sides of my neck.

"One by one...!" Little Lou yelled my name.

I let go of the mouse, took off the earphones, "What's the matter?"

"One by one...!" Xiaolu continued to call my name coquettishly.

"What's up, stinky girl." I stretched my hands behind my back and hugged Xiaolu's thigh, and Xiaolu's thigh felt cold to the touchIt was very comfortable.

"One by one...!"

I turned around in the seat, and then Xiaolu's breasts directly pressed against my face, "You little girl ,Did you get mad again?"

"You just got mad." Xiao Lu hammered my shoulder.

At this time, a knock on the door was heard outside the room, "Come out soon on Eleventh, there are guests at home."

"Here we come!" I responded.

I urged Xiaolu to get dressed quickly and go out with me.

"Is your door locked?"

"It's locked, you wear so little, I don't lock it, what should I do if my family comes in?"

After confirming that the door was locked, Xiao Lu took off her upper body vest and threw it on me. Then he picked up the bra, passed his hands through the straps of the bra one after another, and then turned his back to me. I knew what Xiaolu meant, and quickly buttoned up her bra. Xiaolu adjusted the position of the bra, and then held her breasts to feel it. After confirming that the bra was in place, I took the vest I handed over and put it on, and stuffed my breasts into the vest with great effort. Finally, she sat on the bed and put on the hot pants that were thrown beside the bed.

After Xiaolu finished dressing, I opened the door, and Xiaolu followed me out of the room.

"Hello, Auntie!" Xiao Lu immediately greeted my mother with a sweet voice when she saw her.

"Ah, Xiaolu is here too? When did you come?"

"Noon!" Every word Xiaolu said was in a sweet tone .

My mother seems to be very satisfied. After I brought Xiaolu back several times, my mother has been full of praise.

At this time, I found that among the guests at home was the girl we met at the door at noon. The girl sat on the chair, and the girl noticed that I looked at her after I looked at her. The two looked at each other, and the girl did not avoid my gaze at all, which made me very embarrassed.

In addition to the girl, a boy and a girl who are about the same age as my mother came to the house, who should be the girl's parents. The man and the woman looked a little familiar, my mother, let's call them uncle and aunt.

My mother chatted with my uncle and aunt very enthusiastically. Listening to them, it seems that we had a good relationship with our family before.The family moved out of the city.

Seeing Xiaolu and I standing there stupidly, my aunt said to me: "Eleventh, please bring my daughterinto the house to play, let's talk about grown-ups, You children are talking about your children in it. You and my daughter haven’t seen each other for ten years, right? My daughter often tells us that she wants to come back to see you.”

This At that time, the girl walked up to me and looked at me with a smile, but I was still there in a daze.

At this time, my mother couldn't bear it anymore, "Haven't you recognized who she is now?"

I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of adults, so I led the two girls back home. to my room.

After returning to the room, I stared at the girl again, Xiaolu was also nervouslooking at me and that girl. I slowly put together the information I just heard in my head.

This girl may be my childhood playmate, and the relationship is very good, their family moved out for some reason, moved to a far away place, and then we will be together again Have not met.

I looked at the girl's weight again, and suddenly had a feeling of deja vu, and that feeling became more and more clear. Finally I realized who the girl in front of me was.

"Xiaokui... sister?"

The girl smiled and nodded to me.

The door of memory was completely opened with a bang.

At that time, our family still lived in a courtyard of the school. The courtyard had two floors, and each family had only a room of 30 square meters. There was no kitchen, and the toilet was a public room. bathroom. The cooking and washing on the second floor are all in the corridor. The cooking on the first floor is at the door of the house, and there are two drainage faucets in the middle of the yard on the first floor, where everyone washes up.

There are people living on three sides of the courtyard, and one side is a two-story courtyard wall. The opposite side of the courtyard wall is one floor higher than this side, which is the school's reading kindergarten. On either side of the wall is a staircase, from which people living on the second floor go up and down. My family lives in the first house on the second floor on the right side of the fence, and the girl's house is directly downstairs from mine.

A house like this actually doesn't have any windows except the door. Except that there are two windows on the second floorside of the house, which is close to the fence, and the girl’s house downstairs has a window on the same side as my house, and the lower edge of this window is juston the half-floor of the stairs On the platform, it is only a little higher than the platform. The girl's father had a heart, and asked a carpenter to build a loft-like platform at home, the height of which was exactly at the position of the window. The girl slept on the attic, and the girl's father purposely put a desk and bookshelf on it. The bed of the girl's parents is under the attic.

The girl is in poor health and has congenital heart disease. She doesn't go out very much, and rarely goes to school. Basically, she spends most of her time in the attic. Every day when I go out, I will greet her through the window, and when I come back, I will occasionally chat with her, talking about what happened and what I did today. Occasionally, I would go to play with her when I was resting. But most of the time the girl stays alone in the attic and reads. The wall of the attic facing the window is full of bookshelves, and the bookshelves are full of books.

The girl doesn't seem to have many friends. Over the years, I seem to have only seen a girl come to her house to play with her once.

Later, when I was about to graduate from elementary school, the girl's family moved away, saying that they went to other citiesto cure the girl's illness. Later I learned that after the girl’s family moved to other places, the girl’s mother quit her job to take care of the girl full-time. Fortunately, the girl’s father was a teacher at the school, so he finally stayed, but he also moved into the school br/>lived in the staff apartment.

Since then, the girl and I have never seen each other again. I remember when I came back from school and heard the news that the girl had moved awayI was so angry that I didn’t eat properly for several days.

The girl in front of me looked more and more like the girl in my memory, and my tears began to drip uncontrollably.

The girl saw that I started to cry as soon as I saw her, and quickly took a few pieces of paper from the cabinet to wipe my tears.

"Why are you crying? You made me feel very embarrassed." The girl gently wiped away every tear that fell from me.

"I thought I'd never see you again." I still couldn't stop my tears from streaming down my face.

Xiaolu stuffed a few tissues into my hands. "Okay, okay, look at what you look like when you smile. Such a big man stands here and let a girl wipe your tears. Come on, sit down first."

I sat on the bed, wiped away my tears with the paper towel that Xiaolu gave me, and tried to calm down. The girl and Xiaolu sat beside me, and Xiaolu held my hand tightly.

None of the three spoke until I calmed down.

"Sister Xiaokui, how is your heart? Did you come back this time...?"

The girl nodded, "It has been cured, and an operation was performed. Yes, but the body is still a little weak, and it will take a long time to recuperate."

"Can I go out now?"

"Going out is no problem , but you can’t go out often, and you can’t do strenuous exercise.”

“Do you want to be like this all the time?”

“The doctor said that it will take at least a year to recover after the operation.”


The three of them sat by the bed and suddenly fell silent, none of them knew what to say.

"Sister Xiaokui..."

The girl couldn't help laughing when she heard me calling her.

"Sister Xiaokui, what are you laughing at?"

"You idiot, you still call me sister."

The girl said this to me Confused.

The girl smiled slightly when she saw that I was only in a daze at what she said.

"Actually, I have always been younger than you. "

"...Are you younger than me?"

The girl nodded.

I checked the birthday with the girl and found that the girl is really younger than me.

"Then... why didn't you tell me before, so that I called you your sister for so many years."

"I only found out later that you are actually older than me Well." The girl suddenly changed her voice, "But, I really like you calling me sister, why don't you continue to see my sister Xiaokui."

The girl smiled Watch my reaction.

"Absolutely not, I have been fooled by you for so many years, you still want to fool me to continue calling you sister?"

"Then what do you want to be called?" Finally got in the line.

"Um, I think..." Xiaolu and the girl stared at me with big eyes.

I haven't seen her for many years, and I don't know what to call a girl.

At this time, the girl rolled her eyes and said, "Why don't I make it up to you, from now on I will call you brother, and youcall me Xiaokui."

"Okay... okay."

"Then I will call you, brother!" Xiaokui's brother called my whole body.

"How do you feel?"

"Um... ah... good."

"What's good, brother!" Xiaokui seemed to be interested in me His reaction was a little dissatisfied, and he yelled when he got closer.

"Stop barking, your voice makes me shudder."

This sentence made the two girls present laugh, but Xiaolu still took advantage of me Inadvertently pinched me.

"You haven't introduced me to who is the girl next to you? Sister? Or..." Xiaokui looked at Xiaolu and asked.

"My name is Xiaolu, and I'm Yiyi's girlfriend." Before I could introduce myself, Xiaolu introduced herself first. "Sister Xiaokui, do you like Eleven?"

Xiaolu's last words stunned both of us, but Xiaokui immediately recovered her composure. "Yeah, how did youknow?" Xiaokui's expression showed that she was planning something.

Xiaolu didn't expect Xiaokui to continue this sentence. This time it was Xiaolu's turn to panic for a while, butXiaolu also pulled herself together and calmed down. "That's okay, I'm going to be big, how about you being small?"

"Then what if I want to be big?"

"That's not okay, I have to be the biggest. "

"Hahahaha, no kidding, we were all taken aback by talking about Eleven."

The two of them looked at me who was sitting awkwardly in the middle and laughed.

"Let me pour some water for you."

"Go, go." Xiao Lu waved her hand like a hostess.

After I left the room, Xiao Lu suddenly pulled Xiao Kui to her side, and then whispered: "Xiao Kui, what I just said is true."

"..." Xiaokui didn't make a sound.

"I know you like Yiyi. I was at the door just now. I can tell from the way you look at him that you have an unusual feeling for him."

"... ..."

"If you want, I can help you."

"You... aren't his girlfriend, don't you want to break up with him."

"No, I mean I don't mind one more beautiful girl beside me, especially one as beautiful as you."

"Why am I so beautiful , looking sick."

Xiao Lu hugged Xiao Kui's arm and said intimately: "Sure, if you are healthy, you must be a great beauty, If you are chased away by other boys at that time, then we will suffer a lot?"

Hearing others, especially a beautiful and lovely girl, boast that she is a beauty, I am naturally happy
No more.

"You really don't mind?" Xiaokui still couldn't understand Xiaolu's thoughts, and didn't know what was going on in her head.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you a secret."


Xiaolu made a gesture and Xiaokui put her ear close. After Xiaokui brought her ears closer, Xiaolu took a specialglance at the door to make sure no one would come in.

"Well, is Eleven so popular!"

"Really, don't shout so loudly, be careful that people outside can hear you." Xiaolu deliberately Said in a low voice. "There are other girls in our dormitory who have a crush on Yiyi."

"There are in your dormitory?"

"It's not just our dormitory, I have two good friends , They are a pair of twins, and they also like one by one."

Xiaokui couldn't calm down completely at this time, not as calm as before.

"Your friend also..." Xiao Kui seemed to think of something, "Could it be you did something in the middle?"

"Also No, some are, some are notYes. How should I put it, they like it all for their own reasonsI just assist occasionally. "

"Then you... what good is this for you?" Xiaokui realized something at this time, "Shouldn't it be..."

"What's wrong? What's the matter?"

"Forget it, let's not talk about it."

"Sister Xiaokui, please tell me, please, It's so uncomfortable for you to hang me like this." Xiaolu hugged Xiaokui and began to rub against Xiaokui's body.

"Don't be angry when I say it, I'm just making a hypothesis."

"Yeah, don't be angry." Xiaolu nodded resolutely.

"Xiaolu, don't you like...girls?"

This sentence stunned Xiaolu. She didn't expect Xiaokui to be with her I haven't known her for half a day, but I actually saw through her.

Xiaokui saw that Xiaolu remained expressionless for a long time, thinking that Xiaolu was angry, and quickly apologized.

Xiaolu shook her head, "It's okay, I'm not angry, I'm just surprised that you guessed it all."

"Really?" His own surprised voice.

Xiao Lu nodded solemnly.

"Then do you still like Eleven?"

Xiaolu said decisively with a blushing face: "I like him the most."

At this time , I opened the door and came in, and the two hurriedly distanced themselves.

"What are you talking about, the two of you are so close?"

"It's nothing, it's just a topic between girls."

" Yes, yes, it's a topic for girls." Xiao Kui also chimed in.

"Here, your juice." I handed the juice in my hand to Xiaolu. "I don't know if you can drink juice,So I poured you a glass of milk."

Xiaokui took milk from my hand, "It's actually fine, as long as it's not irritating Everything elseis fine."

"Yiyi, you are so gentle with girls."

"Stop talking sourly to me. "I flicked Xiao Lu's forehead.

At this time, Xiaokui's mother knocked on my door, "Xiaokui, we are going back, will you come with us?"

"Come on!" Xiaokui drank the milk in the cup in one go.

When Xiao Kui walked to the door of the room, Xiao Lu suddenly grabbed Xiao Kui, and then said to Xiao Kui in a voice that only two people could hear: "I will help you "

Xiao Kui blushed and said thank you.

Then Xiao Lu kissed Xiao Kui on the face, and Xiao Kui's face became very red.

"Smelly girl, what are you doing?" Although Xiaolu used to kiss Sister Du and Xiaoyu often, this is the first time Xiaolu and Xiaokui met. Lu just kissed Xiaokui, which made me think that Xiaolu might be bullying Xiaokui.

"No reason." Xiao Lu made a face at me.

We sent Xiaokui's family outside the door.

"I'm sorry, Eleven, our family has just moved, and there are still many things that have not been sorted out. When we sort it out, please come to our house for dinner, so you Then I can catch up with my daughter."

"Uncle, I got it." I said to Xiaokui again: "Sister Xiaokui, goodbye."

Xiaokui covered her mouth and suppressed a smile and nodded to me. Only then did I realize that my name was Shunzui and I was called Sister Xiaokui.

After saying goodbye, Xiaokui went home. It is said to be going home, but it is actually going out, taking two steps, and then entering the door.

After seeing off Xiaokui's family, I returned to my room. Xiaolu came over, straddled me and looked at me thoughtfully.

"What's the matter?" Xiaolu looked at me and I felt a little nervous.

"Why didn't you tell me that you had such a beautiful childhood sweetheart?" Xiao Lu looked at me with a smirk on her face, it was obvious that she was planning some bad idea.

"I thought I would never see her again in my life."

"It seems that you have a deep affection for Xiaokui."

"I realize that you seem to care about this issue a lot? Are you jealous?"

"Cut! I'm not Fangfang, how can I be so jealous. But that girl is really pretty, Although it looks sick."

"Hey, you are not trying to trick someone, are you?" I know that Xiaolu is bisexual, after allXiaolu Before being with me, he had already maintained an ambiguous relationship with my sister and sister Du.

"What's wrong with it? You can tell at a glance that Xiaokui likes you, and you pull her into our harem. You're happy, I'mhappy, and she's happy too?"

"Okay, you really are playing tricks on others." I hugged Xiaolu and put it on my knees, and then took off Xiaolu's shorts to reveal her big snow-white buttocks.

"Crack! 』My slap hit Xiaolu's butt lightly.

"I hate it, you slapped me again!"

"It was you who hit me, who told you to be a prostitute all day long." As I said that, I slapped me again, which was small< Lu's buttocks trembled wildly.

"How can I, I'm obviously thinking of you, those girls are so cute, it's a pity to be snatched away by others, it's better to be with us."

"Come on, I think it's because you've taken a liking to him and want to bring him into your harem." Then I slapped Xiaolu Xuebai's ass again.

"Don't say that, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours." Xiaolu said shamelessly as she lay on mythigh with her buttocks bare.

"Stop doing this, you are mine."

"Oh!" Xiaolu struggled and turned over, then faced me and pinched me with both hands "Yiyi,You are so domineering, you are too manly."

Xiaolu's expression does not look like she is praising me at all.

"Still playing with me, right?" I pushed Xiaolu's hand away, turned Xiaolu over again, and hit Xiaolu's ass a few times. Xiaolu's buttocks slapped.

"Yiyi, it hurts, don't post it, I was wrong, can't I be wrong?" After feeling the burning pain on her butt, Xiaolu immediately begged me for mercy.

After I stopped, Xiaolu immediately struggled to stand up and put on her pants, then made a face at me.

"I'm going to tell Fangfang that you abused me domestically."

"Go, go, do you want me to go with you, and see what she will say."

"Huh!" Xiaolu naturally knew that my sister would definitely be facing me.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault," I hugged Xiaolu into my arms, "How about I play softer next time?"

"Okay , You stinky one by one, do you dare to do it next time?" Xiaolu wanted to break free from my embrace, but I hugged her tightly.

Xiaolu struggled less and less, and finally stopped completely. "Humph, stinky one!"

"What's the matter, stinky girl?"

"Stinky one!"

"Stinky girl!"

"Hahahaha!" Xiaolu was immediately happy.

After a while, Xiaolu said: "Yiyi, I'll go to Fangfang first."

"What, you want to make my sister jealous of you? "

"What are you talking about, smelly one by one."

"Okay, you said I smelly again, watch me rub the smell all over you." After finishing speaking, I said Chase to hug Xiaolu.

The two went out fighting like this, and when they came to my sister's house, they found out that my sister happened to have something to go out, so they couldn't play with Xiao Lu. Disappointed, Xiaolu still asked for the key to the top floor of my sister's house. It seems that Xiaolu prefers to stay in this top floor after the last time.

"Girl, why do you want to come here with the key to the attic." Seeing my sister go downstairs and leave, I asked Xiaolu.

"Hey, I want to have dinner on the top floor." Although Xiao Lu said so, but looking at Xiao Lu's expression, I knew that the reason was not as simple as Xiao Lu said.

We ordered takeaway, and then left my sister's address for the address and my mobile phone number for the phone. After that, I went up to the top floor with Xiaolu.

It's about six o'clock now, and it gets dark late in summer, but it's quite bright now. After Xiaolu came up, she looked aroundto confirm that there was no one around, then she took off the vest and hot pants she was wearing in one breath and put them on the table where she had eaten before, only wearing a set Underwear is now on the top floor terrace.

Then, Xiao Lu stretched her waist, "Hmm...! So comfortable!"

"You really asked for the key to the top floor for this."

"What's wrong with it?" Xiaolu said while doing some body-moving exercises. "It's so hot now, I want to cool down too. I can't be naked like you at your house, all my uncles and aunts areat home."

"You Ah, better be careful. It’s not dark yet, so be careful not to be seen by people upstairs.” I was still a little worried.

"Aside from you, a big pervert, who else will watch it."

Suddenly, I thought of an idea that can fix Xiaolu. "Xiao...Xiaolu, someone is coming up from the next door, hide quickly!" I purposely spoke in a hurry to increase Xiaolu's sense of urgency.

"Where? Where?" Xiaolu looked at the top floor of the adjacent building in a panic, regardless of whether she saw anyone or not, she ran into the house, halfway through But I caught it.

"One by one, what are you doing, let me go, I'm going to be seen." Xiaolu desperately wanted to break free from me, but I held both hands tightly It's stuck, and I can't break free at all.

I directly opened Xiaolu's hands, exposing the big breasts that were originally covered by the hands to the air. As Xiaolu struggled, Xiaolu's two breasts were protected by the bra Still shaking violently.

"One by one,You are crazy, let me go! "Xiaolu cried and begged me to let her go until I hugged herin my arms.

"Girl, don't be nervous, I lied to you just now." Xiaolu stopped struggling in my arms.

Xiaolu raised her head and looked at me, with tears still on her eyes. Because of the difference in height, Xiaolu stood on tiptoe and bit down hard on my shoulder.

"It hurts, it hurts, let go, girl."

Xiaolu didn't let go, but still bit my shoulder hard, which made me break out in cold sweat. After a long while, the strength of Xiaobao's teeth slowly loosened. After Xiaolu let go, I took a look at the clothes and saw two rows of bloodteeth marks on the upper and lower sides, and the blood began to flow out little by little, but I managed to blame Xiaolu, after all, I just joked Xiao Lu was frightened.

I looked down at Xiaolu, and at this moment Xiaolu was looking at me vigorously.

"Xiaolu..." I was interrupted by Xiaolu after I said two words.

"Shut up, I don't want to talk to you now!" Xiao Lu was still angry.

I immediately squatted down, "Girl, I know I was wrong, please forgive me." After I squatted down, my eyes were just on the same level with Xiaolu's chest, and my eyes couldn't help I glanced at Xiaolu's big breasts, which was only wearing a bra, and I immediately pulled my eyes back. I looked up at Xiaolu, wondering if she had noticed just now.

Xiao Lu still looked at me angrily and said nothing. Now I think that even if Xiao Lu is standing in front of me wearing only her underwear, she looks even cuter when she is angry.

At this time, Xiaolu stretched out her hand and began to touch my face. Live kneading. I had no choice but to squat on the ground and let Xiaolu Xiaolu mess around on my face.

Xiaolu played with my face for a while, and finally stopped as if she had exhausted her enjoyment. "Take off your clothes!"Xiao Lu ordered suddenly.

"I told you to take off all your clothes!" Xiaolu anxiously wanted to come up and take off my clothes.

Seeing that Xiaolu seemed to be still angry, I obediently took off my shirt. At this time, Xiaolu had already pulled down my pants impatiently. I don't have the habit of wearing underwear at all, but now I've become naked with the top in my hand and the trousers down to my ankles.

Xiaolu snatched the top from my hands, picked up my pants, and threw the clothes and pants into the room. "From now on, you are not allowed to wear another dress!"

"Oh." Seeing that Xiaolu was still angry, I had no choice but to agree.

"You're so horny, you got hard so quickly." Xiao Lu said as she looked at my hardening cock. As soon as the voice fell, I stretched out my finger and flicked my cock.

I hastened to protect my lifeblood, to prevent Xiaolu from talking again.

Xiaolu turned around with a smile, leaving me standing there blankly protecting my life. Only then did I realize that it was embarrassing to be undressed now that there were so many outdoors, and I suddenly found that I didn’t know what posture to stand in, and I didn’t know where to put my hands, so I started to feel the wind blowing a little Anything will make the whole body feel an indescribable feeling.

Xiaolu turned around and wanted to hold my hand, but found that my hand was protecting my dick from being pulled away.

"Okay, it won't do anything to your life, idiot!" Xiao Lu smiled and cursed and slapped my hand, The cock immediately stood upright without the restraint of both hands In front of Xiao Lu.

"Little Yiyi, you are so energetic!" Xiaolu took advantage of my unpreparedness and grabbed my cock, and I couldn't help but shocked.


"Take it easy," Xiaolu said while holding my cock. "What to do with it, it's not good for me, only bad."

I suddenly understood the deep meaning of Xiaolu's words, and my cock also changed accordingly Harder.

"One by one, you are really lecherous, what are you thinking, the dick is getting bigger again?" As she said, Xiaolu also fiddled with my dick twice.

"No, it's strange if you hold it like this, it doesn't grow bigger."

"Is this comfortable?" Xiaolu took the dick in her hand and began to slowly move it up and down Set up.


"Yiyi, has your dick grown again?"

"It's okay, I don't think so." Although he said so on the lips, he was secretly happy in his heart. Who would be unhappy when his girlfriend said that his cock would meet?

"Why is it bigger than last time every time I watch it? When I did it last week, it felt increasing when it was inserted inside me."

"Could it be that your place has become tighter?" I answered a little absent-mindedly, and Xiaolu's tender hands heldmy dick up and down, which made me a little unable to concentrate.

"No, it feels different."

"Oh." I responded perfunctorily.

Little LuyiI can see my current state at a glance. The strength of Xiaolu holding my dick is very gentle, and the speed of masturbating to me is not too fast. My cock can feel a continuous pleasure, the pleasure is not very strong, but I can't ignore the feeling that spreads all over my body.

Xiaolu came around behind me, hugged me from behind, put her left hand on my abdomen, and held my dick with her right hand again, and began to speed up her hand, Gripping my cock a little harder, too. I didn't know where to put my hands again, so I had to put them on Xiaolu's arms.

"Do you like me to masturbate for you, Xiaoyi?" Xiaolu's extremely charming voice came from behind her ear.

"I like it." I couldn't concentrate on talking with Xiaolu at all.

"Do you like me to masturbate for you? Or do you like to have sex with me?" Xiaolu's charming voice has begun to touch my every nerve related to desire.

"I like...all of them." I feel that I may ejaculate at any time, even if I ejaculate now, it is not surprising.

"Which one do you like the most?" Xiaolu speeded up her hands again. "Masturbation? Or sex?"Xiao Lu's current voice can already be said to be coquettish.

"Sex." I gritted my teeth and endured.

"Huh, that means you don't like it if I masturbate for you?"

"I like masturbation too."

"If you like it, don't rush to cum Come out!" Xiaolu's needs were gentle, but her orders were very strong.

Xiaolu held my dick with both hands, and the speed of her hands accelerated to the limit. Immediately afterwards, a stream of semen shot out from the head of my penis. Xiaolu's hands did not stop and continued to lick my dick vigorously, stream after stream of semen flowed from my penis It sprayed out from the dick and shot on the floor of the roof, and a lot of semen flowed down the head of my penis to Xiao Lu's hands, and then was wiped all over my dick by Xiao Lu's hands. Knowing that there was no more white semen ejaculating from my glans, Xiaolu stopped her hands.

Panting heavily, I watched Xiaolu stand on top of me, and shook hands covered with my semen in front of me, and then fingered one by one I put it into my mouth, sucked it up one by one, and licked the semen on my palm, and finally swallowed all the semen in my mouth in front of my face. Then he gave me a lewd smile.

Looking at Xiaolu's lewd smile, it seemed that the semen that hadn't been eaten just now was still in the corner of her mouth. My lower bodyhardened again without softening.

Xiaolu squatted down, took my cock into her mouth, and greedily sucked every drop of semen in front of her. In the end, even the semen on the pubic hair was licked clean, Xiaolu stood up frowning and swallowed all the semen.

"You swallowed it all?"

Xiaolu didn't answer me, but opened her mouth to me. The semen in Xiao Lu's mouth is basically gone, only a little bit is still hanging in the mouth.

"Is it delicious? I think you ate it all?"

Xiao Lu shook her head, swallowing so much semen that it took Xiao Lu a long time to speak , "It doesn't taste very good, but it's still within my tolerance."

Xiao Lu biased her mouth, feeling uncomfortable with some semen hanging in her mouth, and ran away I went to the pool at the entrance of the rooftopAfter rinsing my mouth several times, I stopped.

At this moment, my cell phone rang. It's from the food delivery man, saying that he has arrived downstairs at my house and wants me to come down to pick up the food I ordered.

I responded and prepared to go downstairs to pick it up, but was stopped by Xiaolu when I was getting dressed. "Yiyi, didn't you say it, you are not allowed to wear clothes tonight."

"Girl, don't make trouble, people are waiting below, do you want me to be naked Go down."

"You can find someone to put it at the door of Fangfang, and then we can go down and get it after they leave."

I couldn't hold back Xiaolu and had to agree, so I went I called the takeaway boy and told him that there was no one at home, just let him leave the takeaway at the door. After the takeaway boy agreed, he hung up the phone. Then Xiaolu and I went into the house, squatted and waited by the stairs.

Hearing more and more heavy footsteps coming from downstairs, Xiao Lu nervously asked in a low voice: "He won't come up to the top floor?"

"Probably not, it's time for dinner, and he must have a lot of orders to deliver later."

"I see." Xiaolu calmed down quietly, but was still nervous Put your hands on my thighs.

As the footsteps got closer, the takeaway brother could be seen from the gap between the two stairs.

The takeaway boy finally arrived at the door of my sister's house, and then knocked on the door. After confirming that there was no one there, he stood at the door for a while and then went downstairs.

"Are you gone?" Xiao Lu asked in a low voice.

"It seems to be gone."

"Go down and get it? "Xiao Lu patted my thigh.

"Let's go down together."

"Well... okay." Xiaolu hesitated and agreed.

I took Xiaolu by the hand, and the two of them walked down the stairs lightly, and when they reached the platform halfway up the stairs, they stopped.

I poked my head out and glanced downstairs, "It seems that I really left."

Only then did Xiaolu have the courage to poke her head out. "Really, I'm going to be so nervous." Xiaolu shook her handin front of me, her palms were covered with sweat.

I was holding Xiaolu to continue walking down, but Xiaolu grabbed me. "Yiyi, just go down and get it."

Regardless of Xiaolu's objection, I picked up Xiaolu and went downstairs without saying a word.

"One by one, slow down."

"Don't worry."

The two crept to the door of my sister's house and were about to pick up the door When I was delivering food, the voice-activated light above my head suddenly turned on. Xiaolu quickly turned her head and ran upstairs, leaving me alone carrying the takeaway upstairs.

"Yi Yi, hurry up." Xiao Lu urged while leaning on the railing in the top floor.

"What are you panicking, and there is no one."

"How come the lights are on when no one is there, come up quickly!"

I went up and saw the top floor, little Lu immediately dragged me to the outside, then closed the door of the exit hut, and then
lay on the door to eavesdrop on the movement in the room.

I leisurely put the takeaway on the table, and then quietly walked behind Xiaolu, grabbingXiaolu's two big buttocks with both hands.

"Don't make trouble one by one." Xiaolu wanted to slap my hand away.

Regardless of Xiaolu's objection, I tore off Xiaolu's underwear.

"I hate it! What are you doing? Didn't you see that I was doing business?" After confirming that no one came up, he turned around.

"What are you doing, I just saw you lying on the door with your butt up in your underwear, posing in a very attractive pose."

"Damn! No one is serious."

"It's okay, the lamp downstairs was installed by my uncle (Fangfang's father). My grandfather is getting old, and my uncle I'm afraid it's inconvenient for him to go out at night. As long as it gets dark at night, the light will automatically turn on,No need for voice control."

"That's it." Xiaolu thought of herself just now It's funny to look flustered.

Xiaolu pulled up the panties hanging on her ankles, and then I pulled them down again. "What else are you wearing?"

After hearing this, Xiao Lu kicked the panties on me and was about to take off her bra.

"Let me take it off for you." I volunteered to help Xiaolu take off her bra.

Xiao Lu is naturally happy to do so.

Now after Xiaolu, I unbuttoned the back of the bra, took off the bra and threw it on the table, and then grabbed Xiaolu's breasts.

"Why do you hate it, big pervert." Xiaolu laughed and cursed while letting me play with her breasts.

"It's really a lot bigger." I rubbed Xiaolu's chest and muttered in my mouth. "It's much bigger than when I saw it for the first time."

"Hey, you don't know, I have changed several bras this year."

"Oh, yeah, then shouldn't you thank me?"

"I also want to thank you? I don't want you to pay for my underwear, it's not bad, but I want to thank you, You are really not satisfied." Xiao Lu raised her hand and pinched my nose.

"Okay, I'll buy your underwear for you from now on, and I'll wear it for you when I get here, how about it?"

"Oh, boy, I finally got the hang of it Ah, I know how to buy underwear for my girlfriend." At this time, Xiao Lu showed a malicious expression on her face, "You won't buy some weird underwear for me?"

I was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood what Xiaolu meant. A few days ago, when I was chatting online, I just talked with Xiaolu aboutsome sexy lingerie. I am already familiar with Xiaolu's routines, of course I can't be led by Xiaolu every timeby the nose. "Why? So you like this one."

"Where is it?"

"I didn't say anything, but you just mentioned that you want to wear sexy underwear? You must be thinking I think so."

"No, I'm just talking casually."

"Okay, I didn't say anything to you, if you want to wear it, I'll buy it for you. You don't have to be shy."

"I'm not shy, I won't be shy just because I wear sexy lingerie, I'm the one who dares to strip naked on the rooftop .” So far, Xiaolu has successfully fallen into my trap.

"What do you think you are?"

"Cute!" There is no young girl who doesn't like cute things, even underwear

"There are still ones that can bring out my big breasts." Xiaolu said and pushed her breasts forward. Standard Xiaolu's answer, I'm not surprised by Xiaolu's answer.

"I think your best bra is my hands? Look, it fits so well." I grabbed Xiaolu'stwo breasts.

"Haha, it's so itchy." Xiao Lu twisted her body, "Then you will keep this posture for the rest of your life?"

"Hey, As long as you dare not wear anything for the rest of your life, I will dare to cover you like this for the rest of your life."

"Huh! Smelly rascal, I don't want to be a pervert who doesn't wear clothes for the rest of my life."

"Hey, you think you can ride on my head every time."

Seeing that my treacherous scheme failed, but I saw it through, Xiaolu made a face at me .

At this time, Xiaolu suddenly realized something, "Oops!"

"Why, I was surprised."

"I was so busy with you that I forgot to eat the takeaway."

"What do you mean by arguing with me, you stinky girl!"

"I don't know if it's cold No." Xiaolu untied the bag, touched the takeaway box, "It's okay, there's still temperature."

Then Xiaolu pushed herself and I off. I went to the side, and then patted the chair, "Come on, one by one, sithere."

I don't know what kind of trick Xiaolu has, but I still sit on it. Then, Xiaolu sat on my lap again, "Yiyi, let me sit on your lap and eat."

"You have already sat on it. Do you know?"

Then, Xiaolu smiled blankly and began to eat the food in her bowl.

Xiaolu sat on me, sat at the table, and ate the dinner in front of her comfortably. There was a little dew between me and my dinner, and I found that my dinner was far away from me, so I had to carry the food over the head of little dew.

It was completely dark, and Xiaolu and I finished our dinner and cleaned up the food scrapsAfter we really planned to discuss what to do next, I don’t know where it came from at this time There was a scream.

"What are you doing! Let me go!" a girl shouted in a very angry voice.

Xiaolu and I looked at each other, and then Xiaolu pointed in a direction, "The sound seems to be coming from there."

Me and Xiaolu Lu quickly ran to the fence, lay down on the fence of the roof and looked down. In the old family area of ​​the school, there are only street lights on the main road in the middle, and the brightness of the street lights is not too bright, just enough to illuminate the main road. The residential buildings on both sides of the main road and the doorways of the residential buildings are pitch-black. Xiao Lu and I stared downstairs for a long time but didn't see the source of the sound just now.

Just when we were about to give up, Xiaolu patted my arm, "Yiyi, look over there."

I looked in the direction of Xiaolu's finger , there was a figure shaking at the door of the innermost residential building on the opposite side of the main road.

"What are they doing?"

"I don't know, it seems to be fighting." Four or five figures could be vaguely seen wrestling together.

"It's not a student of the school, right?"

"It's possible, but the students of the school came to the old family area, let alone the holiday now."

"Do you want to go and have a look?" Seeing other people fighting, Xiao Lu, who had just had a full meal, was worried that she had nothing to do.

"I don't want it anymore, it would be bad if someone accidentally injured you in a fight."

At this time, the figure in the distance changed, and it seemed to be a few people from a distance A person was dragged into the grass behind the residential building.

"Nothing will happen, right?" I began to worry.

The situation seems to have become serious. It's not just as simple as fighting, but also killing people if they don't do it. AndHere in the old family area, the accident may be someone I know.

"Why don't I go down and have a look?" I asked for Xiaolu's opinion.

"Well, I'll go down with you to take a look."

"You stay up there, I'll go down and have a look alone, it may be dangerous."

"It's okay, I'll take this down." Xiaolu picked up the poker leaning against the door, and waved it twice in her hand. The tongs should have been used by my grandfather to light the stove on the roof. "If they dare to touch me, I will them fire tongs."

"Okay, be careful too."

After finishing speaking, the two of them were quick After getting dressed, he hurried downstairs and ran towards the direction of the accident.

-To be continued-

Thirty [School Violence in the Days Related to Xiaolu] (B Line) (Former Sister Series)

Afternoon The exam is finally over, the school's exam schedule is really unreasonable, this week there are a total of three exams, and the last exam is scheduled for the last two classes on Friday afternoon. I walked out of the classroom while thinking about it.

I'm not too worried about the test results. I usually study hard and my grades are within the top three in the class. The final exam is nothing more than a trivial matter to me.

Walking outside the teaching building, the sun shone on my face, and I couldn't help stretching. I'm going to go home withoutgoing back to the dormitory today. Anyway, the people in the dormitory don't get along with me, and every time they see me, they either wink at me, or just whisper there.

The weather is really hot now, and I can be said to be sweating profusely when I walked to the station. The back of the sleeveless dress on my body has already begun to be soaked in sweat, I guess In a little while we will be printing out the straps for the underwear. There is no shade on the road to this school, so I have to walk all the way under the sun. You know I won’t be wearing stockings todaygoing out, the black stockings absorb heat, and they are so itchy on my thighs, I really want to scratch them with my hands, I guess I will scratch them now, those guys When I saw it, I was going to gossip about me again.

After waiting for a long time, the bus finally arrived. There were many students going home from school on Friday, and there were also many students preparing to go out to play on weekends. A group of people swarmed onto the bus.

The crowd on the bus made me, who is a bit of a clean freak, feel very uncomfortable. Fortunately, the bus driverhad a conscience and turned on the air-conditioning on the bus fully, otherwise I would have to be drowned when I got off the bus.

After an hour, the number of people on the bus finally began to decrease, and I was drowsy at the back of the carI finally got a seat.

I found a seat next to the window at the back of the carriage and sat down. Sitting on the seat, I looked at the scenery outside the window with my eyes aimless. After getting home, take off all the clothes on your body, and then take a goodhot bath, turn on the air conditioner in the room before taking a bath, and don’t wear anythingafter taking a bath and drying your body walk out. Then I lay on the bed enjoying the coolness brought by the air conditioner, and just stayed like this without thinking about anything.

When naked, the feeling of skin contacting the sheets is really great, every inch of skin on the body can touch the air without barrier, whether it is the neck, chest, The abdomen, back, waist, buttocks, thighs, and calves all seem to be able to breathe freely in the air, and the feeling is so wonderful that it is indescribable. Of course there is that place, even though I am wearing a skirt, but the weather is so hot, and that place is tightly wrapped by briefs, I feel stuffy and itchy all the time, especially when I am used to being alone
After wearing clothes, that feeling is more obvious in summer. Thinking in my heart, my consciousness has also concentrated on that place, and now I really want to reach out to that place and caress it well. I shook my head, trying to get this thought out of my mind, and tried to divert my attention with other things.

At this time, I thought of a happy time again. This friend I haven’t seen for a long time is coming back. I haven’t seen her for many years. I have only reconnected with her in recent years. I don’t know Has she changed now? I guess it has changed, after all these years have passed, I myself have grown from a little girl to a girl with a good figure, I don’t know if it will be because of my good figure or good body shape. Thinking of this, I suddenly feel a little narcissistic,But as a young girl, narcissism is not a problem at all, right?

From now on, I am looking forward to the moment when I meet her. I wonder if I will be nervous or shy at that time?

Thinking about it, I don't know when I suddenly felt the eyes from other places. I turned my gaze back into the car, and just met the eyes of a girl in the front row. The girl saw that I saw her, and quickly turned her headback. That's when I realized that there were four girls sitting in front of me, and the four of them whispered to each other from time to time, and looked at me from time to time. There is no one in the seat next to me, I can be sure that they are looking at me, The way they look at me makes me very uncomfortable.

I carefully observed these girls. These four girls have average looks, and one or two are not very good-looking, and they all wear very thick makeup. It's not much different from me, but it looks old-fashioned. Most of their bodies were blocked by the backrests of the seats, and I couldn't see what they were wearing.

It is estimated that they all noticed that I found them, so they are not talking to each other, but they still look back from time to time.

I don't know what they are going to do, and I feel faintly uneasy. I took out the phone and prepared to ask someone to pick me up at the station. After looking through the address book, I found that there was no one who could pick me up in the very few lists.

I sighed and put the phone back in the bag. I thought in my heart, anyway, after I go back, it will be near my house, just find a way to get rid of them, I don't believe they dare to do anything to me when I get off the car.

I looked out the window and estimated that there were still about 20 minutes to arrive at the station. The people behind the station were basically gone.Only me and those four girls were left. I can be more sure that they are looking for me, and they are not good.

After finally waiting for the bus to arrive, I got out of the bus in a hurry, and as expected, the girls also got off the bus. My home is in a university, I hurried toWalking in the university, thinking about how to get rid of this group of people while walking.

The most crowded place in the school should be the teaching building, I decided to go there for a stroll, intending to get rid of those girls in it, but when I walked into the teaching building, I I realized I was wrong. It's past six o'clockalmost seven o'clock, plus the holiday is approaching, there are actually not many people in the teaching building, the last class has already ended, and the time for evening self-study is early A little bit.

Then I walked out from the back of the hall on the first floor of the teaching building. The back door of the teaching building is a relatively remote road. The girl followed closely.

At this time, I suddenly found an idea, I can go to the school library to hide for a while. The school library needs to swipe the card to get it. I live in the family area of ​​the school, so I applied for a campus card a long time ago. Those few people can’t get in without the card. I’m in the library After hiding inside, they got impatient waiting at the library door and left naturally.

I trotted all the way to the library, and attracted many students' attention along the way. After entering the library, I finally felt relieved, but I was still single and carefully found a fan Cautiously stuck his head out of the windowto look out.

Sure enough, as I expected, those girls were blocked outside the library, and now they are discussing something in the square at the entrance of the library.

You can't wait for me, go out quickly. I thought silently in my heart.

I came to the reading area upstairs, took out a book from the bookshelf, and sat down in a corner. I flipped through the book carelessly in my hand, and I began to think about why those girls wanted to trouble me.

I basically don't talk much in school, and I don't have any dealings with my classmates. Because I'm pretty, there are quite a few boys chasing me in the department, but I rejected them all. To be honest, I really hate those boys. They're not all good things. Look at my eyes It made me feel uncomfortable all over. It is also because of this that the girlsdon’t like me very much, especially those in our dormitory. They even spread rumors about me everywhere, sometimes saying that I had several boyfriends at the same time, and sometimes saying that I was taken care of by others.

I reported this kind of thing to the counselor, and they received a verbal warning. After that, the counselor didn't care about it any more, and they intensified their confrontation with me.

It is impossible to say that I have offended anyone, but the girls standing outside the library are not quite like people in our school, after all, they are dressed in heavy makeup , being seen by the student union or the school leaders must have no good fruit to eat. At this time, I found that I didn't know where I provoked them, and even I didn't even know who they were.

I simply don't think about these things, anyway, when they leave impatiently, we won't meet again.

After staying in the library for a while, my body no longer feels so hot, and the sweat on my body is also dry. The book in my hand is not interesting, I put the book back, and plan to find a book to read seriously.

I saw a book about body photography skills in the art district. Find a corner table and sit down. In order to preventothers from discovering that I was reading this, I also deliberately took another book and hugged it outside this book, in case others discoveredI was embarrassed to read this.

After sitting down, I looked around again, and after confirming that there was no one there, I took a deep breath, and thenslowly opened the book.

I have always envied some girls who can take photos of their youthful bodies when they are young, you can leave your beautiful figure and white and tender skin in the photos, leaving On the computer. I myself have tried to take pictures with my mobile phone, but in my opinion, they are just nude photos, but I will never go to a photo studio to take artistic photos, I don’t like me People I don't know see me naked, it's not just because I'm shy,Although I like to be naked when I'm alone at home, I don't like people seeing me naked at all.

I read the instructions in the book for a while, and the text in the book is more professional, but I don't understand it very well, so I lost interest after going back and forth. I had no choice but to stare at the naked girl on the book. The girl on the book showed her body in front of the camera very confidently, without any shyness. Every few pages are different girls, and the postures of the girls are also different. Some are bold, some are shy, some are gentle, and some are full of heroism. The most daring oneis a girl with short hair sitting on a blanket, wanting to see her legs without any hesitation, showing her most private placein front of the camera. Although she didn't turn her labia with her hands, the movement of opening her legs still made the girl's vaginal opening slightly open, just enough to see a little pink and tender flesh in her vagina. girl'sThe pubic hair is not too long, it should have been trimmed carefully, the black pubic hair sets off the snow-white body, which makes me feel itchy.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps, which scared me to close the book in a hurry.

I looked to the side, and a boy was walking towards me. At this time, the boy noticed that I was looking at him, smiled at me, and I quickly turned my head away.

What are you laughing at? I kept cursing in my heart.

The boy walked all the way to the row of bookshelves next to me, and glanced at me from time to time, which made me feel uncomfortable.

The boy has been wandering around the bookshelf near me, pulling out a book from the shelf from time to time to look at it, and then putting it back.

Why is this person here so stubbornly refusing to leave? I muttered softly.

Later, the boy went to the depths of the bookshelf, took out two books from the bookshelf, and sat down opposite me. There is no one at the table in this area, why does he have to sit opposite me? Just when I looked upto see the situation around me, the boy looked at me with a very ambiguous look and smiled.

I couldn't help shivering, the boy opposite gave me a very disgusting feeling. I lowered my head in a panicpretending to be reading a book, of course it wasn't the body art book, that book had been hidden under my butt while the boy opposite was around the bookshelf.

"Oh, I'm quite shy." The boy said in a low voice, but I still heard it.

I ignored him because I wanted him to know he was bored and go away. But things didn't go in the direction I thought.

"Student, which department are you from?" The boy on the opposite side actually talked to me shamelessly. I still ignored him.

At this time, the boy stood up, and just as I was about to rejoice that he was finally leaving, I found that he was actually walking towards this side of the table. What on earth is he going to do.

After the boy came over, he put one hand on the back of my chair, and the other hand on the tablewhere my hand was closer. Then he directly pushed down the book standing up in front of me on the table, "Student, don't be shy, I won't eat you again." The boy continued to speak in that very ambiguous voice. Hearing this sound at such a close distance this time gave me goosebumps.

"I don't know you, can you stay away from me." I turned my body so that he would stay away from me, I said with anger.

My backing made her even more aggressive, and she moved her face very close, "I know you're interested in me, you've been staring at me since I just came here Look, you don't have to be embarrassed." When he spoke, the hot air from his mouth sprayed directly on my face, making me sick. Why is this person so shameless, he looks average, even a bit ugly, but he actually thinks that I will fall in love with him just by looking at him because he is beautiful.

Although I say that I am not a face control, but his behavior is too much, he is simply a hooligan and gangster in the society outside, not a college student in a university.

A second later, one of his actions completely angered me. He boldly placed the hand that was originally on the back of the chair directly on my shoulder. The sleeveless dress I was wearing made his hands directly touch the skin on my shoulders.

I couldn't bear it anymore, and even though it was in the library, I yelled: "Get your dirty hands away."Then clapped his hands away, Then the backhand is a slap on the opponent's face, and finally, while the opponent is still covering his face and unprepared, he stands up and kicks the opponent between his legs.

A set of movements is smooth and flowing, and it is done in one go. The boy fell to the ground with a scream, covered his genitals and bowed his waist, unable to hum.

At this time, the people at the other end of the reading room all looked over, and two of them even started to walk this way. Seeing thatpeople's attention was drawn to this side, I slipped out of the library before things got serious, but luckilyno one stopped me on the way.

After such a toss just now, when I got out of the library, I found that it was already dark. The girls who followed me before should have already left.

After tossing and tossing for so long, I am also hungry. I plan to go outside the school to eat something before going back.

There are a lot of things to eat on the street in front of the school, but I feel very tired today, and I don’t plan to go too far, so I ordered a bowl at the snack bar directly opposite the school Just as he was about to leave after eating a full meal, he caught a glimpse of several familiar figures out of the corner of his eye.

Damn, they haven't left yet. The girls who followed me before were actually sitting at the table in the corner of the snack bar. I didn’t notice them when I just came in. It seems that they have noticed me. It should be It was when I was already here that I found out.

I hurried out of the snack bar and openedHe began to walk home quickly, and those girls naturally followed.

There are fewer people on the road now than before, and this time they followed me even more recklessly. Finallywalked to the old family area, where I live, there is no one on the road, and the dim lights are now on the road, except for the darkness around the road.

They followed closer and closer, and I started to run wildly. I clearly heard the people behind shouting: "She is about to run, catch her quickly." Then there were chaotic and hurried footsteps behind me.

I first started to regret why I went out in high-heeled sandals today. Usually wearing high-heeled sandals can make your legs look slender, but today it has become a burden.

Depending on the opponent, he was about to catch up. In my panic, I lost my center of gravity and fell to the ground. I wanted to get up immediatelybut found that my ankle was in unbearable pain. I guess I just fell down When I sprained my ankle. At this time, the four girls had already run to my side.

Four people surrounded me, I stood up tremblingly, one of the girls seemed to be the head of these girls, she pushed me hard, I once again sat on the ground.

"Who are you? Why are you following me? I don't know you."

"You bitch, stop pretending to be pure with me here."

"Who are you calling a whore?" I was shaking and wanted to stand up, but I just wanted to stand up on the ground,As soon as my butt left the ground, my shoulder hit the other party Heavy kick.

"Smelly bitch, what's the matter, Hai still wants to stand up and sit down for me."

My character is strong, and the other party will attack me one after another, of course I can't Tolerate. I also don't care about facing four people, and I'm just alone.

I lifted the uninjured leg and kicked the calf of the girl who took the lead. The other party lost support on one foot and fell directly facing me. I lifted my elbow up and hit the opponent's nose. The opponent immediately fell to the side covering his nose.

The remaining two quickly went to check each other's situation, while the other girl kicked me hardand lay down. "Damn it, how dare you f*ck fight back." After speaking, he patched my body a few times.

The two girls helped the girl who took the lead to stand up, and the girl who took the lead pushed away the two girls who were supporting her, and there was a heavy blow to the side facing my waist foot.

This kick was so hard that I knelt down on the ground and lay on the ground for a long time before I recovered. After I recovered, the four girls squatted down and surrounded me again.

"Do you know who I am?" asked the lead girl.

I shook my head, gritted my teeth and replied, "I don't care who you are? Let me go and get out."

Crack! A slap was slapped on my face, and I instantly felt that the left side of my face was burning. "Damn it, your mouth is still hard." The girl who just kicked me down cursed.

"I'm telling you," the girl in the lead said, pointing at my nose, "You stinky seduce me and her boyfriend, you fucking dare to stay here with me Pretending." The girl who took the lead pointed to the girl who just kicked me down.

"Huh, I don't know you at all, I never stole your boyfriend." I know very well that Ihave never done this kind of thing, I have been doing it since I was a freshman I have never had a boyfriend, and all the boys who chased me were rejected by me one by one. I have a feeling of disgust towards boys or men in my heart. Not to mention Iwill take the initiative to chase after some boys.

Crack! It was probably because my tone of voice was very aggressive, which made them feel very uncomfortable, so I was slapped again immediately.

"Still fucking pretending to us, right? If I hadn't asked their roommates, I don't know why our boyfriend suddenly became cold to us." Just kicked my butt The girl was still a little impatient.

The girl who took the lead went on to say: "Later we found out that the two of them hooked up with you."

Later, several girls surrounded me and said a lot, Of course, the addition of fists and feet is indispensable.

Now I understand that the boyfriends of these two girls are not only in the same school as me, but also in the same dormitory, and these girls are from other people. A few little sisters from the school. After they met those two boys, two of them became their girlfriends. Later, those two boys found out that I was in the same school as themand started pursuing me again. After those girls found out about this, they came to trouble me.

"Do you fucking admit it!" the girl who kicked me yelled at me.

"It's none of my business, it's your boyfriend who came to chase me with all his heart, and I didn't let them chase me."

"You shameless bitch, "The girl who took the lead grabbed my hair and lifted my head up, then put her faceto my face and shouted angrily. "How fucking beautiful do you think you are? We are all prettier than you, and our boyfriendchased you on his own initiative? You shameless!"

Those in front of him girl janeStraight too presumptuous. Although I was not one of the best beauties in school, and I don’t like makeup very much, but overall I am pretty good in terms of appearance and figure, otherwise I wouldn’t have so many People chased me, even boys from other departments, so that something like this happened today. Look at the girls in front of you again, their looks can only be described as average, and two of them are slightly worse than average. appearance. Although I usually keep a low profile and don't have the habit of calling myself a beautiful woman, but facing these plain-looking girls in front of me and saying that they look better than me, this makes me very angry.

"You are the bitches, you are the stinky and shameless." I was irritated on the spot, and immediately became anxious. "Youdon't look at your faces, they are painted like monkey butts, I feel sick when I see them."At this moment, I'm already a little desperate.

The four girls were also completely irritated by me, and they immediately stood up and kicked me fiercely, I could only hug my headbow my body to relieve some of the last time.

After a severe beating, the four people finally stopped, "I'll ask again, why the hell are you robbingour boyfriend? Bitch."

Now I feel pain all over my body, so I can only grit my teeth and say: "You are the stinky bitches, you can't controlyour boyfriend has nothing to do with me, get the hell out of here." My character is like this, the more threats I make, the harder my backbone will be, and the less I will do what the other party wants.

Several people were furious, and the girl who took the lead said directly: "It seems that you won't admit your mistakes if you don't let you suffer." Then she told the others The girl said, "I can drag her into the grass."

Then, several people began to drag me into the grass.

I shouted: "What are you doing! Let me go!" I struggled desperately, my strength must not be as strong as the four of them working together, not to mention that I was beaten by them My whole body hurts, I can only watch them drag me into the grass.

"Stop yelling, who cares about you. You always admit your mistakes to us honestly."

"I'm not wrong, I just don't talk to you Apologize, you sows!" I have already made plans to fight to the death with the other partyto the end, and I will never admit what I have not done.

"Damn it, give me a fucking hard time." Seeing that I was still desperately resisting, the girl in the lead trembled. "It seems that you won't realize your mistake if you don't give it a try."

Upon hearing this, I thought they were going to hit someone again, so I quickly covered it with my hands head. Unexpectedly, theystarted to tear the clothes off my body.

"What are you doing, let me go." I was horrified to realize what they were going to do.

When they saw that I was struggling desperately, two of the girls held my hands at the same time, and then, like the leading girl, the girl whose boyfriend was in the dormitory knelt on my calf . My whole body was immobilized, I couldn't move even though I struggled desperately.

The girl who took the lead looked at me who was motionless, sat on me with satisfaction and patted my face triumphantly.

"Hmph! Little bitch, let me see how you resist."

I didn't speak, but gritted my teeth and glared at her.

"Damn, you still dare to stare at me." After finishing speaking, the girl who took the lead grabbed the neckline of my dress and pulled it up.Fortunately, the clothes were not torn by her, but The neckline was deformed by her.

Seeing that the girl didn't pull it off, she felt angry and wanted to pull it off a second time. When I see the other party, I will start to tear my clothes again. If she pulls my clothes like her, she will tear them off sooner or later. At this time, I was completely panicked, and I started to twist my body like crazy, and screamed indiscriminately.

With my hands and feet pinned down, I was powerless no matter how hard I struggled. The girl grabbed the shoulder straps of my dress again. This time a hole was torn in the chest of my dress , one shoulder strap was also torn off. The white underwear I was wearing today was suddenly exposed to the air.

"Huh! You bitch, who are you trying to seduce by wearing such pure underwear?" After speaking, the girl who took the leadteared off my bra.

"Don't!!!" I let out a scream.

"You're a fart," another slap hit me on the face, "You should feel so good, how can you seduce a man without taking off your clothes?"

"I don't, you are the slut! Shameless slut!!!"

"Humph, your mouth is hard." The girl slapped my face hard twice . "I didn't expect you to be quite strong, and you haven't cried until now."

I didn't respond, but glared at her. In fact, I don't have the strength to do anything else.

"Okay, have a backbone." The girl who took the lead stood up all of a sudden, grabbed the sleeveless dress hanging on my body with a sudden force, and immediately noneThe sleeves of the dress were all torn off.

I suddenly felt a chill all over, and my back directly touched the soil on the ground, and my heart also felt a chill.

"Huh, I'm afraid." Seeing a frightened expression in my eyes, the four girls looked extremely proud.

At this time, the girl holding my leg whispered something in the ear of the leading girl.

After listening to what the other party said, the eyes of the girl who took the lead seemed to be shining. Then she took off her pants in front of me, I didn't realize what she was going to do, the next second she squatted in front of me, her pussy was facing my face, I clicked My wife understood, she wanted to pee in my face.

At this time, I seemed to be completely hopeless, I closed my eyes tightly, and my face was tight, and I could only wait for the urine full of smell to pour on my face.

At this time, no one expected that a voice sounded except for the five of us, as if it illuminated the darkness all around.

"Why are you hiding in there!"

When the girl in the lead heard other people's voices, she was so frightened that she immediately stood up and put on her pants. The four girlslooked back, and I followed suit. There was a man standing on the side of the road looking towards the grass, and the lightson the main road could vaguely reveal the face of this man. In the dim light, I tried my best to identify who this person was, aunfamiliar face, but I was slightly familiar with it. Suddenly I realized who this person in front of me was.

How could it be him?
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